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(2013-03-17 - Now)
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Seymour Guado It was a calm day in Luca the see air was a mild breeze blowing in a soft tropical warmth, the harbor itself bustled with life as many fisher boats freely travelled the harbor now. It seems since sin departed all they needed to worry about were fiends in the water, but apart from that new life and markets started opening with ocean delving especially when old wreckages were being explored though no machina made a presence in the city apart from the one blitzball sphere.

There was a minor disturbance in the harbor as Maester Seymour stood there with two guado guardians though today they were relaxed, letting people get close and chatting with the Maester as he seemed approachable talking to new travellers and of course the faithful Yevonites.
Evja Could Seymour sense the darkness? Sense it in others? Or, for that matter, could he sense things such as the Light in others? In the distance, a cloaked figure wandered down the pathway slowly towards the main stadium from where the portals to the other worlds connected to Luca. Not that the cloaked figure had just come out of them, but that was the general direction they came from.

So it might give them away as an offworlder.

That, and the fact there is a tall pair of rabbit-like ears sticking out of the hood, that might also give it away.

Said figure didn't quite shamble so much as wandered along at a slow enough pace that they occasionally got strange glances. Far from rude, though. No bumping into anyone. To the trained observer they reeked heavily of the Darkness, hood drawn and strangely covering their features despite being in the bright sunlight of the Luca day.
Seymour Guado The Guado seemed to be chatting with other Yevonites praising them for doing such a good job protecting the Maester, they were also passing on word they had aquired of possible fiend attacks and other trivial matters that the Maester could send word out and aquire help to take care of. The Maesters senses hadn't aquired the personal touch to the powers of darkness, such things were beyond him for now should one look beyond the facade he hid his darkness under a polite manner and of course false hope.
He knew nothing of the darkness and the powers that coincide with it though many followers were seeking rumors and answers, the Maester had particular interests in travellers approaching after excusing himself to approach the cloaked figure the ears obviously catching his eye speaking in the soft calm voice to introduce himself "Good day to you."
Evja Perhaps unfortunately for Evja, it wasn't a 'power' so much as a symptom of being overexposed in recent times to such. When someone suddenly spoke to the Viera, she turned her head and looked towards the Maester for a moment, the darkness less pronounced now that her attention was garnered. The hood hid most of the upper half of her face, but the bottom half was covered by a veil.

"Likewise." she returned, accent soft, voice a bit tired. By the tone of the voice, one could quite simply assume female. Especially with the long hair visible out the back and the frame, albeit cloaked. Reaching up, Evja pulled the hood back some and over her tall ears to reveal her head properly despite leaving the veil on.

"This city... what is it? I thought I was wandering into Traverse, but it would seem... otherwise..." The Viera's eyes looked just a bit unfocused, the white of her eyes darkened a bit, tiny flickers of darkness showing there every now and then
Seymour Guado A soft smile and a welcoming facade would usually be key as he assumed is soft voice "This is Luca part of Spira... understandable as the new order of things have made visitors more frequent.. Although the natural order seems to have been mixed up."

Seymour took in the strange sight of the viera, a soft apolegitc nod as he bowed offering the prayer of Yevon his hands clasping an invisible ball as he speaks "My most humble apoligies, I am Maester Seymour Guado. Welcome to part of Spira atleast, if you have any questions I could happily answer them for you, after all who could know more of this world than one of its leaders."

Smiling still with that soft spoken face his eyes moving to meet hers noticing that strange flickers, assuming it to be a racial trait much like the Al Bhed and their spirals and his own vascular features above and below his eyes distinguishing him as a Guado.
Evja Being new to this land in particular, the sign of prayer went unreturned, though she did watch his hands, almost warily. To be greeted by one of the seeming leaders of this world, however? Luck, fate, or some combination of both. Much like the Guado, the Viera had long fingers and this one was no exception. Reaching her hand up to her face Evja rubbed gently across the bridge of her nose with the palm of her hand before smoothing her hair a bit and trying to blink away the strange flickers that she had seen a moment before.
"Evja, Judge... Magister Errant of Jylland." came a reciprocated greeting before she nodded her head a bit. "Likewise, I apologize if I am... rude in some fashion, it is not intentional." As she spoke, she paused at times as if trying to grasp the words out of the air, thoughts not all there or perhaps simply a slow speaker. "In the last two days I have suffered several grevious attacks for various reasons and I am still recovering from them. My perception is a bit impaired, as well as my... comprehension." No visible injuries though.
Seymour Guado The Guado would smile to the apparent female as she announced a title to him, the guado had met others with such titles of course a politician as well as a priest he knew not to offend. Smirking he would bow again saying "No no, I'm polite as a rule I understand our visitors do not comprehend our teachings and way of life.. though there are a few Zealots would not be so appreciative."

"Yevon does pride itself on its healers, after all our history of dealing with Sin.. Though you would know nothing of our history? It is a long story that does involve our faith quite heavily." Seymour would continue with that soft smile as he gives the choice to listen about the world and especially Sin.
Evja Was that an offer? "I would be remiss and a fool for not asking if you could, indeed, direct me to these most wonderful healers. I would be willing to pay, of course, or donate if payment is not a necessity. Though you speak of sin as if it is a physical thing in this world. That... does worry me, but I would be willing to hear of such would you be willing to tell me?"
Having been standing still so long had nearly locked the Viera's legs, and when she finally stepped forward she wobbled and quickly summoned a weapon to her hands. Oh no, she's att -- oh, actually, she seemingly was just using it for balance, the large spear gripped tightly in both hands as she slumped a bit against it, tip pointed into the slabbing beneath as she steadied herself. "Mmph. Damned Heartless."
Seymour Guado Seymours face dropped to something that resembled a slight sadness as he spoke "Sin was a very physical in our world, before the arrival of all these new worlds... Very few places had the military might or strength to stand against it, towns destroyed and rebuilt an endless spiral of death and destruction for the sins of our past.. That is why it was named Sin."

With a soft shake of his head he was smiling again those long blue flowing hair bangs glancing against his robe as he would move in to help her, smiling softly he would say "Relax.. allow me to assist."

Closing his eyes in concentration Seymour would raise a hand as a strange green glow would dance along those long guado pointed fingers, then softly touching her on the head letting the glow flow and the soft warmth of the healing magic would flow to try and ease the pain of any internal or non obvious wounds.
Evja At the command to relax, Evja tried, and the healing certainly helped. The warmth and, well, light that seemed to spread through the Viera did a good job at reducing the issues she was having physically besides the insatiable hunger and the flickering of darkness about the eyes. So much so that she stood up straight finally and breathed out a small sigh.

"That... that feels much better." Her voice even sounded less tired. Once she was fully up the spear vanished and her arms went back beneath the cloak, once more leaving her fully covered save her head. "Even if that lingering feeling is still there."
Seymour Guado With a soft nod Seymours hand left and he would let it rest peacefully at his side, nodding to her softly saying "Better a lingering feeling than present pain... You mentioned something there Heartless.. I have encountered those creatures before, although we didn't know what they were before.. their presence is a nuisance, they react differently from our fiends."

Letting her stand up once more he would smile as he glanced to his guards just watching from afar, leaving them to their duties as he turned back "I am glad my magics could assist Judge Evja Magister Errant of Jylland. Any of a our shrines could assist temples being the main focus of our priests, they don't turn away injured although it is likely they shall try and convert you. Suffer through a little spiritual pain to ease the physical, apoligies I jest of course."

A mild mannered chuckle being heard from Seymour as he explains how the priests assist in converting the injured by healing the sick and injured easing their physical suffering although likely annoying them with stories of Yevon. "They will likely talk your ear off about our world more than I would.. I however would be very interested in hearing about Jylland, my position as a Maester has me traversing although difficult especially when all my modes of transport are by sea and without the aid of Machina." Seymour would explain surprising the Viera perhaps at his rather vocal travel difficulties with the low tech Yevon approved methods.

This scene contained 11 poses. The players who were present were: Seymour Guado, Evja