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(2012-10-12 - 2012-10-20)
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Shiki has her own room! Amazing?!

Actually it kind of is, she was just sort of assuming she'd spend most of her nights in tents or WildKat. Now she's got a room! In Shard Seekers home base! TO FILL WITH FASHION.

Well, it's kind of bare right now, but there's lots of paper notes for what she intends to put where. And a roll of silk in the corner, you know, to start things off.

Who else is in the girls' dorm today?!
Nagetta Nagetta's just woke up, she had just eaten a huge meal and then promptly went back to sleep. She's still coiled up as her eyes open. " something going on?" It takes her a moment to come to her senses. Of course it's nice and dark where was sleeping at, she prefers to avoid bright light whenever possible.
Shiki Misaki "Hmm?"

Shiki hears a voice!

Who else is here? That's the question. She will investigate!

Super sleuth Misaki follows the sound of Nagetta's voice, snoop snoop. Where could she be? Someplace dark?


There's a little crack of light and a Shiki. "Oh! It's you!"
Nagetta Nagetta unfolds herself before coming out of her hiding spot. "Hello! Yes, I'm here...I was sleeping." She yawns a bit, still waking up. "Were you looking for me?" She wonders why Shiki is suddenly interested in her. She stretches out trying to make herself comfortable.
Shiki Misaki "Not really. But..."

Shiki has her hands on her knees, and straightens up. "You're that girl I met when everything got pretty crazy when we first met up, aren't you? You liked my hat?"

She's wearing it right now! "I can't remember if I introduced myself back then. I wanted to meet you properly, since everything was pretty wild back then."
Nagetta "Yes, it's a nice hat." Nagetta nods at that. "That was kind of frightening, watching people getting pulled in the ground." It wasn't certainly what she expected to happen. "Oh in that case, I'm Nagetta." She smiles and offers a hand out to Shiki.
Shiki Misaki "Stranger things have happened."

Shiki tries not to flinch externally and shakes Nagetta's hand. "Shiki Misaki."

"I came all the way from Goug and then we went across the desert to get here! How about you?" she asks. "We saw a lot of weird things getting here. Do you go on adventures too?"
Nagetta "Well, I was trying to get to Baron after I got seperated from my adopted father. Then I heard it's dangerous to go there, so now I'm trying to get Troia." Nagetta explains to her. "But, I've been on to a few places out of the way. So I guess you could say I go on adventures." She nods at her comment.
Shiki Misaki "Oh..."

Shiki sort of looks embarrassed for a second. "I don't actually know what either of those are. All of these places in the World of Ruin are new to me. But I could look on a map to find out, I'm sure!"

"I've been doing a lot of paperwork, and planning out and stuff, so that we can go on missions and raise money. Then we can go all over the place and help out places like that."

"Did you speak to Reize about joining? He's the one I travelled with."
Nagetta "Joining? Me? I'm not sure. I mean would humans be fine with having me around..." Nagetta knows the relationship between humans and lamia aren't exactly the best. "I haven't around people much...besides my father..." She sounds a bit uneasy about the whole thing.
Nagetta "How many humans have you seen with snake tails?" Nagetta's quick to point out to her. "I mean, I look like a human from the waist up but I'm not the same..."
Shiki Misaki "I saw a guy who could turn into a giant goat once?" Shiki replies, confused. "I just thought it might be a special power you had or something."


"Oh, no! I'm not being rude, am I? I'm sorry! I'm not used to this sort of thing!"

She flails her arms for a second. "Ahh... I mean... I thought you were a person, really! I'm not even sure what to say right now!"

Nagetta This was certainly awkward, Nagetta's kind of used to it by this point. At least until Shiki says she's not a person. Then she looks quite angry at her, "I'm a person! Just because I'm part snake..." She's doing her best to try and fit in with everyone despite being different.
Shiki Misaki "Oh, thank goodness!"

Shiki also looks very embarrassed. "I wasn't sure if you... I mean..."

"Well, there you go then! If you're a person, why would other people not be fine with having you around?" AH HA, CUNNING LOGIC TRAP. Shiki looks proud of herself for coming up with it!

"And so you should come outside and meet with everyone else! Come on!"

Nagetta "I look me that's enough of a reason for some people. And lamia have been known to eat others." Nagetta's knows her kind don't exactly have the best reputation. "I'm guessing they don't have them where you're from?" How could Shiki not know about this already, she wonders.
Shiki Misaki Ha ha ha ha oh great, that's just wonderful to hear, ha ha.

Shiki gets a horrible flashback to the land worm. She does her absolute best not to let it show but probably fails at least a little.

"Um... I come from a city called Shibuya. We have lots of tall buildings and technology and cars and electronics and fashion and stuff... oh! But I knew someone in a wheelchair once!" Surely that's similar!
Nagetta Of course Nagetta looks confused when Shiki mentions most of those things. "Cars? Electronics? What are those?" She's not familiar with modern technology at all. "All these different places are kind of confusing." It was kind of difficult to keep track of them all.
Shiki Misaki "Ugh, you're telling me," Shiki replies. "Electronics are anything that runs on electricity to make it do things and give it power. And cars are like, things with four wheels you can sit in to drive around using electricity and fuel so they go."

"You've got good taste in fashion, though," she says, "So that's one piece of common ground!"
Nagetta "Thanks...that must take a lot of magic to keep running." Nagetta isn't sure where else you would get that much electricity from. Lightning alone wouldn't provide enough. "How do people keep from getting shocked by all of that?" It sounds kind of dangerous to her.
Shiki Misaki "Batteries," Shiki explains. "Little ones, big ones... disposeable ones... you can get electric shocks if you don't handle them properly and we're getting beside the point, really, aren't we?" Shiki says, getting back on track. "Would you like to meet everyone? They're all outside in the garden, I think..."
Nagetta "Batteries?" Yeah, it must take a bit for Nagetta to get a grasp on all this. "Sure, if it wouldn't cause too many problems..." She's kind of shy in case you hadn't noticed by now.
Nagetta Nagetta's holding Shiki's hand as they make their way outside. She uses her free one to pull her hat down, shielding her eyes from the sun. "Hello everyone..." She sounds a bit uneasy with all the people persent.
Nagetta "It's nice to meet all of you...we're friends?" Nagetta's not sure about that yet. She hears Faruja's voice and her head turns a bit. Why did there have to be humanoid mice? This just makes even more difficult for her. "Shard Seeker device?" Her attention turns back towards Reize's not quite sure what that is.
Nagetta Nagetta rubs the back of her head as Faruja runs off. There could be some difficulty with the two working together. She would do her best to try and not eat him, he seemed nice. "So you're not afraid of me?" She sounds a bit surprised by that. "And what do these world shards do?"
Nagetta Nagetta also feels something poking at her tail while she's briefly distracted. Her attention turns towards Lily as she does so. "What are you doing?" It doesn't hurt or anything, she's just curious to why the girl is suddenly touching her tail out of the blue. "Yes, my home was attacked as well." She quicly adds to that.
Nagetta "Well, I guess it's kind of odd having two different kinds of skin. Though it does hurt when it starts to shed." Nagetta frowns a bit at that. "I do?" She's a bit surprised by Reize's comment. She wasn't used to be treated this way. "What do you need jewels for? I know some places use them for money, but they take other things too?" So that couldn't be the main reason.
Nagetta Nagetta nods at that. "I suppose I could put one on my hat. There's nothing on it." A bit decoration wouldn't hurt. "I see, I can use a bit of magic on my own myself." She nods at that.

This scene contained 27 poses. The players who were present were: Shiki Misaki, Nagetta