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(2012-10-10 - 2012-10-10)
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Avira Traverse Town! A mysterious nexus with a very inviting atmosphere! This district in particular was home to a multitude of shops peddling a vast amount of very interesting things. Why, it even homes one of the many Cids! The fantastic array of items offered here would no doubt improve the life of any adventurer.

Unfortunately for Avira, she cannot afford any of it. A set of recent circumstances left her low on money to the point where all the walking she was having to do to get around recently was exhausting her immensely. Rabanastre had also hit an unfortunate dry spell of marks, diving Avira to peruse the various job boards posted around Traverse Town. Most were full of notices advertising missing persons, some, however...

Avira reaches over to pluck a paper off, squinting at it, "...putting up posters? Really?" Definitely not the monster-hunting she was accustomed to but it did offer a small salary. TEMPTING.
Maira Maira is pushing her wares in Traverse Town, standing by a small cart selling all manner of potions, some recognizable as health potions and ethers, some highly mysterious in origin.

Its a slow night it would seem. She reaches up to cover a yawn. She's dressed in faded black robes that fit like a tent, making it obvious her job doesn't exactly pay well.

Eyes wandering, she spots Avira. A smile appears! "Heeey!" she calls lightly, waving emphatically in her direction.
Katyna After accompanying Morgan safely back to Fluorgis, Katyna had returned to Traverse Town to get some answers about her mysterious reappearance and current state. Portals really were very convenient, even if they did come at a bit of a price.

Right now, however, she'd like to relax after fighting all those heartless in the swamp. Ahh, what a waste. But then, she could never let anything happen to Morgan, even if she no longer remembered her.

With a soft sigh, Katyna wanders through the streets, her tummy rumbling hungrily as she peers through windows, desperate for some food. After a while, she too, comes across Maira's cart, and she peers at the various potions, ethers and other..More unusual vials, trying to figure out what they were.

None of 'em look good enough to eat, and she's about to leave, when she hears two familiar voices. She peers back at the two of them and grins. "Hey, you two! Didn't think I'd run into y'all here..What're you up to?"
Avira For a few seconds, Avira seems to be muttering to herself about menial labor and degrees, when something interrupts her slightly irritated mood. Recognizing the voice calling out to her, she stuffs the paper she just pilfered into one of her belts and turns, spotting Maira. "Oh hi! It's you! Uhh...Maira, right." Her eyes drop to the cart of bottles, some of which containing liquids that have become very familiar friends to Avira.

Departing from the board, she saunters over to the mage. "Didn't know you were a merchant too. How much do these things go for?"

Someone else, another familiar voice, calls out and Avira looks over her shoulder. She easily recognizes Katyna by sight, but as for the name-well-"Hey!" Avira waves back cheerfully enough, only really waiting for Katyna to come over before continuing, "Me? Trying to find some things to do to scrounge up some extra cash. Travelling around is not easy on the wallet, it seems, no matter how many corners I cut..."
Maira Maira looks to Katyna, her smile widening. "Oh, hey! You are both here! Awesome!" she says, looking between them. "Um...this is my job. I help out the potion store. Got all sorts of things, some of my own invention. I've got the standard stuff either of you need anything? Ah, the health potions are 100 muney, the ethers are 200. I've got some things that are cheaper that have some interesting effects..." she asks.

Is that a grumbling stomach she hears? Maira looks to Katyna, sympathetic. "Hungry huh? Me too...we should get something to eat...I could probably bring the cart back..."

Maira looks back to Avira, sighing. "Yeah. This doesn't exactly pay well either. Luckily though, where I live, they don't charge anything. But with all the fighting I have been doing, I've been going through so many pairs of clothes and potions! Ugh."
Katyna Katyna scratches her head, trying to figure Maira out. With those flashy fire spells and the potions, she must be some sort of expert on magic...Hmm, might come in handy. "Wow..Cool! Good to see you again. Guess it's handy having all this knowledge on hand!" Katyna smiles cheerfully at Maira as she counts her gil. Seems she's having no problems with money or munny.

She hands over a small sack of munny to Maira as she points out the various potions, ethers, phoenix downs.. And some of those weird colored vials to purchase. "Say, what does this sparkly purple one do? Can I drink it?"

When Avira comes nearer, she nods to her. "It was..Avira right? I know we've met only briefly before, and all those heartless battles. Actually, if you're super keen, you can make some munny just by hunting heartless. And there are always lots of people looking for body guards. Heh, even here in town, especially at the hotel, they're always looking for guards to scare away heartless. Y'know, that place is often overrun by the things, they needed to instill a curfew but even then, they can sneak in and stuff. It's really scary!"

When Maira mentions grabbing a bite to eat though, Katyna's only too eager to join. "Oh yeah, for sure! Let's check out that corner store cafe, they're supposed to have the best warm drinks and baked goods!" she waves towards the cafe not far away..
Avira "...gaaaah." Avira sighs, "I would buy a potion, but I've only got fifty munny on me. Yeah. It's /that/ bad." Her shoulders sink slightly, only to perk up right again when she hears mention of food. Her current funds would at least cover that, unless she ate a bajillion things and racked up a mysterious 1,500 munny bill like a certain spikey-haired boy.

"I'm casting my vote for food." she's quick to add, casting a brief jealous glance over at Katyna as she drops an epic buttload of money down on potions, ethers, and even phoenix downs. Phoenix downs! "Yeah, I remember you from that fight in Central Park. We all held up pretty good in that...Skoll on the other hand..."

She chuckes a little bit. "Oh, I have been hunting Heartless. Marks have been pretty good for that though...well, clan jobs are a little complicated for me. And I've seen those guard jobs too...thing is, I don't really want to be tied down to one place." Turning, she heads for that cafe that Katyna just waved out. "Soooo unless it's something temporary that won't get in the way of travel, I'm not sure if it'll work out."
Maira When Katyna brings out her gil, Maira's eyes light up! Yay! She can eat for the next week! And the others who run the shop! That's always good news! On top of that? Kat is interested in potions of her own invention! "Excellent! Oh, this one cures you if you get turned into a frog--don't laugh, it happens! This one makes everything taste like ice cream...oh, and the sparkly purple one is very special. That one enhances your senses! You can see better, hear better, move faster....really special, as I said!"

When Katyna mentions work hunting Heartless and acting as body guards, Maira looks thoughtful. And amused. It is funny, because Maira had always thought of herself as the type to need a body guard! Not to be one. She's....squishy. But her magic? A+

Back to Avira! Maira smiles, slipping Avira a health potion. "Here, this one is from my own stash--thanks to Katyna here, I just had a good night!" she adds with a laugh. "Yeah...I don't want to be tied down either. I want to explore the worlds--find out more about the Heartless...maybe...well..." she trails off, frowning. She doesn't want to talk about the impossible dream.

"Anyway, I know a good place to get some food. It isn't fancy, but it fills you up!"
Katyna Katyna nods. "right, central park..That place seems to be a magnet for trouble. Some crazy girl set some sort of non-heartless fiend on us another time we were there..I forget if you were there too but.." she shrugs. "Dangerous place to be..Or opportunistic, if you're lookin' for Gil."

Of course, that wasn't Katyna's only source of income. Working as a heartless minion has other..Perks as well. "Hmm, yeah, I was a little concerned about that wolf guy. I thought he was a goner for sure, but then he popped up like nothing had happened..How very strange. Guess not only cats have nine lives, eh?" Definitely someone to investigate at some time..

She glances back at Maira as she explains the potion and smirks. "Heh, I've been frogged before, it's kinda fun, leaping that far!" Well..As long as you dont get squashed! As for the ice cream potion, she giggles, "Ooh, that'd be fun to make everything taste like ice cream, for sure!"

However, they do present an interesting problem. "Hmm, how bout we talk about it more, after we get some food in us? Lead on, Maira!"
Avira Suddenly-distraction! It seems to happen to Avira often, easily distracted that one certainly was, "Really?" she sounds vaguely horrified, "That frog thing actually happens? I thought that was just a story told to kids to get 'em to behave." Very, very discretely Avira slips that potion away into one of her belt-latched pouches, giving Maira a grateful look.

A laugh escapes her, "I'm hungry enough to not really care what place we decide to eat at. Either one's good ffor me."

Dismissively, she waves a hand, "That Skoll guy is fine. I've seen him out and about. I'm pretty sure fast healing is one of his powers."

Avira actually staggers her steps so she can wind up walking next to the two of them, looking between each with a thoughtful look. "Hmmm."
Maira Maira nods to the two, smiling widely. "Alright! Let me just put my cart away, juuuuust a moment," she says, sing-song, as she wheels her cart on into the shop, exchanges a few words with the owners, then hops back out to motion to Kat and Avira.

Assuming they follow, Maira leads them to a little hole in the wall eatery that seats about five people and mostly does take out. They appear to mostly sell giant bowls on noodles and unidentifiable meat on sticks.

Taking a seat at the counter, Maira smiles to the man behind. He's a man who looks to be in his fifties with a receding hairline, dark hair, olive toned skin, and a kind expression. He's just the sort that puts you at ease by his very presence.

"Hey! I'll have my usual--but extra chocolate, okay?" she asks. The man smiles, nods, then shudders almost imperceptibly before looking to the others to get their orders.
Katyna "Heh, you think that's bad? I got mini'd once too. That was not fun..Tiny enough that a sneeze can kill yu and it takes hours just to walk down a block!" She makes a face.

When Maira leads them to the eatery, she follows, inhaling the delicious scents and peering at the other meals before glancing at Maira curiously. "The usual? What might that be? Gotta say, I love chocolate!"
Nagetta Nagetta already happened to be in Traverse Town when she feels her stomach rumble. It had been a while since she last ate, it was a good time for her next big meal. She just so happens to slither into the same eatery that the others are heading into. She nods and waves to the others.
Avira This particular eatery wasn't one that Avira even noticed before. Seems there was always something new she was stumbling across every time she came to Traverse town! The menu looks inviting enough too. Simple and with many meaty options. Though she cannot readily identify the meat, Avira's feeling adventurous enough.

"I'll take three of those skewers." she tells the older gentleman.

She is curious, though, but holds her questions about the mini thing until she's claimed the trio a seat. Or, well, /the/ seat given the size of this place. "Where are you both from, outta curiosity? I live in Rabanastre...which /was/ a part of Ivalice. Now it's a part of everywhere, I guess."
Vespa "Yes, I know Al it been a while since I've eaten!", Vespa says to herself it seems. She opens her coin purse to check how much money she has. "I really should look for more work..", she enters the eatery looking around at the other partons as she takes a seat.
Maira "Chocobo with chocolate sauce and noodles with onions and an ice cream and soy sauce," Maira tells Katyna, smiling widely.

She is not kidding.

The man behind the bar gives her a look to confirm that indeed, Maira has bizarre tastes.

"Really good food....hmm, never been mini'd before! Or turned into a frog...suppose there's still lots of time--and I'll be prepared!" she tells them with a smile. When others enter the restaurant, she smiles and nods to them. Wait. One of them has a SNAKE TAIL. Maira's eyes widen, but she tries not to stare.

Upon getting the 'where are you from' question, Maira looks back to Avira, biting her lip gently. "Midgar slums...the old Midgar. Apparently its been...moved or something? I don't know. It was over-run by the darkness...I escaped," she replies quietly.
Katyna Katyna nods to Avira. "Hmm, Rabanastre, huh? that's like, a desert city, right? Dont think I've been there before but..Ivalice you say?" She smirks, "Guess there's more than one then. Yeah, I'm from an Ivalice too, Gariland city..Cant say my life was terribly easy, and the heartless just made it harder but.."

Another shrug and chuckle. Either she doesn't want to talk about it much, or she is trying to trivialize the situation. When Maira explains the 'usual', the blanches, peering rather warily at the other woman. "Wow, seriously? That sounds *crazy!* What the heck, order me one too, why not!"

Hey, she's feeling risky! "Hmm...Midgar huh? Dont think it survived, didn't Shinra move their base to Goug or something?" Oh right, that's where Tifa is from. "Say do ya know a barmaid named Tifa? Real nice girl..."

Then new comers enter although she only recognizes the Lamia. "Ooh, hey, it's Nagetta!" She waves towards her.
Avira It occurs to Avira at that point that even a simple question like 'where are you from' could spark some unpleasantries these days. On the other hand, if she spends all of her time worrying about being sensitive, she's not going to learn anything. "I've never heard of Midgar before. Doubt it's on my maps yet either..." The important part, was, though, that Maira really couldn't go back.

Beaming a little, Avira nods to Katyna, "Sure is. Weird. I've never heard of Gariland at all-I bet you're right, I bet there's more than one Ivalice. How confusing! I'm not originally from Rabanastre, but it works as home. Like both of you, the Heartless made things complicated."

Since the combination of foods in Maira's order made Avira's stomach turn, she's pretty silent on those matters, choosing to stick to her guns. And meat. "At least..." she says, deciding to stay on one particular subject for a little while longer, "...we clearly know how to fight back against Heartless. Though I've noticed it's a lot smoother sailing when someone's got your back."
Maira "Someone from Shinra was saying Midgar was still there...I don't know. I hope I'll see her again," she says, pursing her lips for a moment thoughtfully. "Oh, yes! I have met Tifa. She's from my world too. I need to visit her bar--but of course you are still first in my stomach, Joe!" she calls to the man before he disappears to go see their orders made, smiling. He gives Katyna a look though. Is she serious? Okay...she's serious....crazy chicks.

Maira turns her attention back to Katyna and Avira, nodding a little. "It...certainly is. I'm really glad that I haven't had to fight alone," she comments, a hopeful look appearing in her amber eyes. Can it be? Has she....made friends?
Katyna Katyna nods thoughtfully. "It seems strength is in numbers. The heartless were overwhelmed by our teamwork. But there's lots of them. Who knows what they're really up to?"

Well she knows, for one..Not that she's gonna tell 'em. Or what her true motives are even. This is all very interesting however..."Heh, gotta try new things. Be adventurous!" she grins and winks. "But I'm afraid..I gotta go...I'll get my dinner to go..Nice talk t y'all!" and suddenly she's in a hurry to run off somewhere..!
Avira Without warning, Avira lets her fist fall against the surface of the table. "That's right! Strength in numbers. Not just for fighting Heartless, though, we've all got our talents." Avira rubs her chin, "I'm thinking. Maybe we should stick together. Like a clan, but not as formal. A network maybe. Help each other out, get each other's back. That kind of thing, since it seems we all have a thing for exploring and taking the odd job."

She looks slightly distant for a moment. "We don't know yet, Katyna, but one day I wanna find out...and send them right back where they came from. I-err, alright, see you 'round, Katyna."
Maira Maira blinks several times as Katyna picks up and leaves. Weird! "Uh, bye Katyna!" she calls, then looks back to Avira.

Listening to this proposal, Maira's smile grows to mammoth proportions! "That sounds great Avira! We can explore and help people and--ee!" she says, then just springs forward to throw her arms around Avira in jubilation.
Avira Without warning, Avira is all but tackled mid-tought by the mage girl. Fortunately she's sure enough in her seat's footing that she doesn't go flying backwards. Genuine confusion registers on her face as the gears turn in her head. "I had no idea that idea would be that well received...!" she says slowly, reaching out and patting Maira on the back. "Hmmmmm."

Patiently, she waits for Maira to unwind herself-and she'll have to do it soon since she'll have her food to eat. "I wanna lay down a few guidelines, though. Nothing too big a deal, just something so we're on the same page."

She taps the table with a finger, "One...we're friends, first and foremost, this is the only way this is going to work, no?" Maira'll get excited by that, no doubt, "Two, we're all okay with travel. None of this settling down in one place for good." Two fingers against the table, which quickly turns to three.

"And finally, we've all got the skills to defend ourselves. I know none of us have that problem, but if anyone cares to join us in the future, it's something we should consider, especially if we're going to end up fighting lots of Heartless."
Maira Maira lets go, climbing back into her seat with a sheepish look. "Heh...sorry..." she says. She doesn't want to admit she has never had a friend before. Not a living one. Indeed, when she looks toward Uist, he is grinning widely and giving her an approving sort of look.

"Friends first...yes! I will agree! Hmm, no settling? I'm already sort of settled here, but I mean...I still travel around a lot. The Inn I live at, I can just come and go. Suppose I could take potion selling on the road..." she says, tapping her lower lip with her index finger thoughtfully. "Sounds...really great though," she says, smiling warmly. She's pretty touched right now. Sniff.
Avira For now, Avira will be none the wiser, though she does have some suspicions. Maira did say she grew up in the slums, aftr all, and has had a tough time growing up. It's clear she's really made Maira's day and seeing her so excited made Avira feel...well, pretty good on the inside. "Ahh, that works, I mean, you've got to be okay with being away from that place for a week or two. It happens in this line of work, you know?"

She leans back in her chair, content. "Normally I'd be pushing for my clan buttttt...I don't have the authority to really recruit, so this'll be our little thing." Also that way she wouldn't have to give up most of her money cut to Dagda, as was the case with the marks these days.
Maira Maira nods in agreement. "Oh yes, of course! Heh...I can't seem to go anywhere without having to fight Heartless. I may as well set out to do it on purpose, huh?" she says with a laugh.

"Clan?" she asks, tilting her head slightly in question.

This scene contained 26 poses. The players who were present were: Katyna, Nagetta, Avira, Maira, Vespa