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A dark road..
(2012-10-09 - 2012-11-23)
No description.
Katyna Katyna had been endlessly roaming the worlds, searching for..Something which she could not quite put her finger on. There was Reize and his merry band of Shard Seekers whom she still had to investigate.

However, after recovering at his headquarters, she had been abruptly called away to tend to some other important mission, but when she had finished, she found herself wandering the road to nightmare, where she continued to search for someone important to her. Since accompanying her to her home town, Kat had not seen nor heard from the girl since.

Would she find her here, in the darkness, where the heartless lurked in great quantity, in the darkness that seemed to wrap around the girl as much as the heartless who hunter her? Perhaps..And so Katyna roams the dark roads, heading towards one particular dark portal in search of her dear friend Morgan..
Maira Upon that very road Maira walks, slow and sleepy, her arms wrapped around herself as she moves forward. She doesn't know how she got here. She doesn't even really believe that she is awake. She has so many dreams like this one; filled with darkness, stalked by creatures just at the edge of her vision, sliding away like floaters before her eyes.

Maira thinks that if she walks far enough, long enough, she will wake up from this dream, maybe without incident. Maybe, she will not have to relive the confusing and painful things she sees in her dreams.

She stops, looking around, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up to tell her that danger is near. Uist is by her side, but he is faded somehow. His presence is less immediate. That too puts her on edge.
Katyna This long and lonely road is certainly not a safe place for a lost traveller to traverse on their own. In every shadow lurk heartless, their gold beady eyes intently watching the lone traveller, getting ready to pounce. They are already surrounding her, closing in with every passing second..

That is, until a flash of light erupts from the darkness, an orb of flames erupting from Katyna's sword to light the way, waving her deadly weapon at the hungry heartless. "Sorry, but this one is mine." She murmurs as she continues from the opposite direction of the pathway to meet the other girl. At her command, the heartless fall back, blending as readily into the shadows.

Ahh yes. Her keen eyes pick out the familiar form of the firey mage from Manhattan park. She was a curious one, so full of magical potential. Would she prove a useful minion for the heartless? It seemed such a waste to throw such power away.

"Hey!" she calls out to her, "Maira, is it? What are you doing out here, all alone? This is a dangerous place to be, y'know?"
Maira Maira looks up, startled by the sudden burst of light. Yes, the heartless had been surrounding her. She'd have fought them until she woke up. That's what she thinks.

Blinking, Maira moves toward Katyna, more confused than ever. "Katyna? Why are you in my dream?" she asks. "Though I suppose you can be if you want and I never really did understand why dreams are so particular...or...maybe I'm not dreaming?" she asks, looking suddenly alarmed. If she isn't, then how did she get here?

Maira isn't exactly looking well. Her pupils are a little too dialated, her skin pale. She's burning like an ember. Disoriented fever. It is a thing that happens on occasion.
Katyna Katyna lowers her sword a bit once she reaches Maira, not wanting to scare her too much..Not yet, anyways. "Hmmm.." She peers intently at her, waving a hand in front of her face, snapping her fingers as if to get her attention, "Hey, wake up. This is no dream! This is reality. If you continue on like this, you're bound to get swallowed by the darkness.."

And, wouldn't that be a waste! "Hey.." She peers around after a thought. "Is your friend Uist with you too? You should really get out of this place, it's a heartless magnet. They'd just love to feed on you here, y'know?" She starts to walk down a different path with some certainty before pausing, glancing back at Maira. "Come on, I'll lead you to the portal! Lets head back to Traverse Town!"
Maira "Oh...oh no," she says, looking around with new realization. She rushes toward Katyna, sticking close by her side and summoning her magic to the surface, ready to be unleashed of the need arose. "Uist is here, but he's...weaker somehow. It's very strange," she informs her.

Why do the Heartless not attack them? What is it about Katyna's presence that keeps them away? Maira thinks on this, remembering something from a conversation many weeks ago. "Why don't they attack you Katyna? What are you doing here?"
Katyna Katyna nods and keeps moving confidently, quickly, gradually leading them towards a portal that will hopefully send them some place less dangerous. "Hmm, I wonder why he's weaker? Is it because of the darkness? Is he.." She smirks, "Is he afraid of the dark? I mean, a ghost, afraid of the dark? That'd be kinda funny, dontcha think?"

Well....Maybe not. there were things more fearsom than ghosts, afterall. Heartless were just one of many. But she brings up a good question. Thing is, Kat's not sure if she wants to answer that just yet. Not in this disguise at any rate.

"Hmm, I guess I've learned some tricks to fight back the heartless." She grins, "It's not so hard..The thing is, they'll go after the weak-hearted. Those who fear them, those who are lonely and frightenned. Dont ever let them see your fear. You must be strong, and then, maybe they will go away.."

She flashes a grin, puffing out her chest a bit, hands on her hips. "Hah! I dont fear the heartless! They wont attack me! Of course, I have a special sword of runes as well, it's made of a special light that repels the heartless.." Well it's not exactly the truth, but it'll do for now..
Maira Maira follows, smiling lightly at the suggestion of Uist being afraid of the dark. The ghost scoffs, but otherwise does not deem that suggestion worth of reply.

"Heh, no, I don't think it is that...sometimes it happens, and I don't really know why," she offers with a shrug.

Maira smiles at Kat's explanation, nodding. She seems to buy it. "Ah, well that's nice! I thought maybe you could control them," she voices, walking forward still, nothing but well-natured innocence in her eyes. If she suspects, she has a VERY good poker face.
Katyna Katyna grins and shakes her head. "Just kidding. He's a ghost or something anyways, right? I mean, I cant see him, he's invisible, but I did see his power, protecting you and all." Still..Did Maira really trust Katyna? Did she have any right to, really? She at least seemed quite willing to trust Katyna. And Katyna wanted to protect her...In her own way.."

"Hmmm, control them, huh? Well, I've been attacked by numerous heartless myself afterall. But then I guess you'd need sufficient darkness in your heart to truly control a heartless..Or so I've heard." She shrugs, trying to seem casual about it.

"Come on, the heartless are quickening their pace. We should quicken ours too. Portal's just ahead! Have you traversed the portals before? They can be pretty scary.."

As she continues on, Katyna ponders something else. "Maira, how come you can talk to ghosts? Aren't you a bit scared? Is it something to do with your powers as a mage? are you some kind of psychic or something?"
Maira Maira does trust Katyna. Maira is simply the trusting type. Until Kat gives her a reason to mistrust, she's happy to be friends. Uist however, is a little more iffy. Uist though is iffy about just about /everyone/.

"Yes, I've been through the portals before...a few times," she says, frowning softly. She'd been through a portal when fleeing her world.

The next question takes Maira off guard. No one has ever asked her this--probably because no one has ever believed her about Uist before. ", it isn't scary. Sometimes I see things that...are kind of scary but...mostly just sad. I don't see everyone like I see Uist though. He's special. Stronger? I don't know. I haven't the faintest clue," she says, shrugging a little. "I've always wondered though. I'm just a mage...I use materia like everyone else in my world did..."
Katyna Katyna nods. "Hmm, so..Tell me more about Uist. I'll be he could protect you easily against the heartless. They probably cant even see him coming." She grins, "Your very own body guard! Is he some sort of mage too, then? Or perhaps he was one in his former life..I wonder why he never passed on?" Well, she's seems quite interested in Uist, almost to the point of forgetting what she said about portals.

"Oh, really? Heh, I guess you wont be too scared to traverse this portal then. How'd you end up in this neck of the woods, anyways?" For that matter, how did Kit herself end up here?
Maira Maira will answer the last question first. "I don't really know...I think maybe I've got a fever...I was probably wandering in a daze," she says, embarrassed. Apparently, it isn't the first time.

Now, she is more than happy to talk about Uist! She smiles warmly, but shrugs. "I don't know what he was. He's not hume, I know that much. Unfortunately...Uist doesn't remember anything from his life. He remembers meeting me and everything after, but nothing before. He is sort of my bodyguard isn't he? is really cool that he can uh...what was the word you used?" she asks, presumably Uist. "--Manifest."
Katyna "Fever, huh?" She smirks, reaching out suddenly to try and touch her forehead, to see for herself if this girl really does have a fever. "Hmmm..Well, I guess maybe travelling through a portal got you lost?" She chuckles, well maybe it can happen.."Heh, guess you're almost as bad as Reize with getting lost, huh? Well at any rate.."

She shrugs, seeming more interested in hearing more about Uist. "not hume? You mean, not a hume ghost even? What's he look like? Can you make him manifest so I can see him? It must be nice to have your own...Guardian angel of sorts, although I wonder why he protects only you?" Ooh, could she be a princess of heart, perhaps? She'd defintely have to 'test' her as the dark knight 'Ember.' She may be very useful to the heartless!
Maira Maira purses her lips, looking over toward Uist. The ghost is concerned and uncomfortable with all these questions, especially in his weakened state.

Maira looks back to Kit, shaking her head. "He says he cannot just now. Even when he does, he is not...solid, not...defined. I can tell you though, that he is...hmm. I have never seen another quite like him. He is very tall," she says, holding her hand way up above her head. "His hair is red like flame--and he has wings on his back. They are sort of...fluid, and hard to describe."

"I think he protects only me because that is all he can...I don't know," she admits with a shrug. These are all questions she has asked herself, all questions she does not have answers to.
Katyna "Hair..Flames? Wings?" Her eyes widen..Wow, this is certainly interesting. Too bad he's dead or he'd make the finest heartless warrior yet. Even so, if she had Maira on her side as a minion, with that firepower behind her, she'd make a pretty awesome side kick. What would Uist think of Ember?

"Aah, I see. Interesting! Well, I'm sorry that poor Uist is so tired right now. I guess even ghosts have a limit huh?" She grins, seeming so strangely chipper even in the midst of all this darkness. "Hey look, there's our portal!" Katyna pauses in front of the portal, pointing with her flaming sword at the portal's entrance.

"Hopefully this will lead back to a safe place.." Although looking at it now, she's not sure where this particular one leads. Afterall, it's not one of her own.
Maira Maira smiles widely, and even Uist is not immune to the response. He smiles, proud. He doesn't know what he is either, but he's not immune to vanity.

Maira doesn't think it strange to be chipper. She's usually pretty chipper herself! Indeed, finding someone so interested in Uist is very novel and exciting. Avira had expressed interest as well, she knew.

Maira looks ahead at the portal, nodding. "Yeah...I don't know where it goes...guess we'll find out, huh?" she says, then jumps on through.
Katyna Katyna grins, carmine eyes alight with a hint of impishness. She lives for adventure and danger afterall. "Alright! This looks like fun! Let's go!" And she jumps in a moment later, vanishing into the darkness...

This scene contained 17 poses. The players who were present were: Katyna, Maira