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(2012-11-30 - 2013-07-22)
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King Mickey Nearly a week prior, certain events transpired within the nation of Baron that nearly shook the foundation of the nation to its core.

One event involved agents of Baron. Morrighan Alazne, the leader of Baron's white mages, along with the Dark Knight, Kaydin had taken the mercenary, Avira of VALKYRI into custody, placing the mercenary behind bars for a short period of time. The reasons for this attack were unknown to but the white mage and her compatriot. Little did forces of Baron know that rescue efforts were already underway to ensure Avira once again saw the light of day and her freedom restored.
Meanwhile, another attempt of infiltration into Baron Castle was underway that same night. Unbeknownst to the situation that was occuring in the dungeons, the detective, Mercade Alexander and the Keyblade Master, King Mickey were making their way through a secret entrance within Baron's underground waterways. Their reason was not to seek the freedom of the mercenary, Avira but to seek out information pertaining to Baron's aggressive campaigns of territorial expansion. Traversing through dangerous and unknown territory, the pair found themselves a fortunate ally in the form of an elderly dragoon by the name of Dion Carenze. After being persuaded by Mercade and Mickey's identity remaining to be concealed for the time being, Dion had agreed to provide safe passage for the King and his companion into Castle Baron.

It was here that Mercade and Mickey had to part ways, feeling it would be best if they split up to cover more ground. Mercade continued on his quest to seek information in Baron's library's, while members of the light were already rushing to Avira's aid. A large brawl broke out within the dungeons of Baron Castle, as all three of these infiltrating forces met together and unexpectedly managed to haphazardly succeed in their appriorpriate missions and narrowing escaping capture on their enemies home turf!

One can see the missions of VALKYRI to rescue their leader and the detective to seek out the truth behind the plot. However, what happened with The King? What was his involvement to be? That remains to be revealed.


The large wooden doors of the foyer prior rumble loudly as they are pushed open, giving way to dimly lit throne room. An eerie after glow shimmers around the room. However, shadows continue to conceal the surrounding areas. A hooded figure dressed in peasent's garb of Baron's Citizens, emerges from the doorway. He appears to be carefully looking around the room, as if somewhat aware of what kind of opposition he might expect to find within one of the most heavilly guarded areas of Castle Baron.
Riku They say power corrupts.

Hee. They also say Ultimate Power is pretty nifty.

The King of Baron paces back and forth in the rooms behind the throne room, arms clasped behind him as he continues to mull over the information he has been given. The strength of Baron increased but it was not enough. For the might of the kingdom to be turned aside at every juncture sent boiling waves of fury crashing against his resolve. No. Having them all executed would NOT in truth solve his problems.

It was a tempting enough though though, as the crystals still remained out of reach and his ridiculous arrangement of buffoons couldn't even raid a single relatively small COMPLEX let alone return Baron to the pinnacle of might that it once was.

The King smiled a wide and almost unnaturally friendly smile that shone out his anger and his hatred as the wards went off, the magic triggering as someone steps into the outer chamber.

There were a number of more amusing glyphs hidden underneath the carpet just a sort distance inside the Throne Room, and a little petty violence against a fool who had dared to counteract his order that he was to be left alone would be a charming diversion. The demonic smile stays on his face until he schools his face into more natural lines. No need to call the guards just yet.

Not.. just.. yet.

The dimly lit throne room is all but abandoned. A strip of carpet winds from the great doors to the foot of the massive throne which has been placed on a stepped dais to overlook the empty reaches of the tiled expanse of floor. The eerie shimmer dances in the moonlight from several high placed small windows. A tapestry rushes in the wind, more ornate ones flanking the Throne as nothing stirs within the empty chamber.
King Mickey ... Then all was covered in darkness.

Brief beams of moonlight attempt to pierce through the darkness but to no avail. The hooded figure of King Mickey stops abruptly at the sudden change. He brings his hand to his chest, feeling his heart beating ever faster. Had he been found out?

The King of Disney Castle was adept in the use of magical arts, even detection magic, though even he could not perceive the wards that were hidden beneath his feet. All he could detect is the ever growing presence of darkness strengthening within the throne room. While his adversary remained hidden from his presence, one thing was to be sure... Whoever lied just beyond his sight appeared to be cunning individual who was prepared for intruders.

Silence fills the room and The King decides it is time to face this charade as one of nobility should. Amist the darkness, King Mickey lowers his hood, revealing his annimorphic features. He stands firm upon the carpet just before the throne and calls out, "Your Highness, King of Baron. I have come before you this evening to seek an audiance with you personally, as one member of nobility to another."
King Mickey King Mickey says, "I wish to understand your reasons for desiring to expand your rule when so much of the world remains in crisis against the forthcoming darkness."
Riku Oh, this was just priceless.

What sort of rabble--? No.

The King of Baron composed himself as the game shifted to something a little different than what he was expecting. This proved interesting as a more long term game than a simple drop in an ensorcelled pool of water and a swift drowning. Perhaps it would even be more entertaining. There was always the drop should the arrogant intruder begin to bore him.

There is no rustle of movement. There is simply the darkness.. and then a smile. The smile first, too wide and too unnatural but only seen through magical senses for a flickering instant before the silohuette of the king of baron can be seen by one side of his throne. Blue flames leap from the torches to illuminate the room as the man, his kindly smile twisted by his eyes full of flat contempt, stares at the antromorphic mouse from across the large chamber.

"Ah. So you seek an audience at this late hour? Are you sure you are not a thief, sneaking around my castle looking for things you ought not to be meddling with? No. I am sure you are all the things that you say that you are. What is there, but trust between kings?" The king of baron graciously beckons forwards. "Come. Let us discuss the things you have come to speak of."
King Mickey While amist the darkness, King Mickey feels its presence continue to grow ever stronger, almost as if the icy hand of death was raking its cold fingers across his skin.

The feeling causes the keyblade master to shudder slightly at the touch of darkness and then suddenly, The King of Baron reveals himself, illuminating the room! With the oncoming presence of the light, the feeling of the darkness does not subside. Rather, it remains constant.

As the King of Baron motions him forward, King Mickey remains where he stands, perhaps more defensively than before. His brow lowers slightly, feeling instinctively that something does not appear to sit right with him about the man before him. However, he cannot at this time discern why. He'll need to bide time to uncover the mystery and so, decides to play the King's game.

"Fair enough though while I mean no respect, I believe I shall stay where I stand. My name is Mickey, King of Disney Castle. I understand that my intrusion may give off an unnerving sight though I assure you my intensions here are just. After all, it is my understanding that you have denied audiances by others and casted out certain close members of your royal army to make way for this campaign."

Mickey's expression turns to one of concern, his brow unfurrows as he brings a hand to his chest before continuing, "I also understand that you were once considered to be a noble and just king, who ruled for the peace and prosperity of his people. One who would be seeking to find a solution to helping to prevent the darkness and the heartless from expanding to other worlds, while fighting back instead of using them to harm others. My good king, I implore you to share with me, what has changed?"

"As one king to another, I cannot believe such a drastic change would not occur without good reason."
Riku "You don't want much do you? So, petty little king from a petty kingdom I've never heard of, what else are you looking her to find?" The king of baron chuckles. "You'll forgive my bluntness but I don't abide by strange vermin poking around my castle and questioning my policies as if they had any right." He seems to compose himself from that moment of temper. His voice is smoother now, a bubbling warmth seeping from his voice.

"All I have done is for the Greater Glory. Prosperity comes at a high price and rebellion is quick to fester in the heart of a prosperous people." The King of Baron The king of baron smiles again, that slightly too wide smile as he begins to slowly advance towards Mickey. One step at a time, and without haste, he steps down from the dais. "What more can I do for my people, I ask you? We must secure what can help us protect our interests and shield us from our enemies."

This scene contained 7 poses. The players who were present were: Riku, King Mickey