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On The Run Again
(2012-11-26 - 2012-12-14)
No description.
Jasmine It becomes obvious over the course of their flight to Costa Del Sol that Jasmine is a reasonably experienced fugitive -- but never moreso when she seizes the opportunity to rest with a fairly tragic eagerness. This is someone who constantly loses sleep because there's no one to stand watch, and all the troubles in the world waiting to catch up with her whenever she stops fleeing from it.

She /hired/ Angantyr to provide her with such an opportunity, after the events at Baron drove her beyond all endurance. The nature of their relationship has fast shifted from the professional to the personal, at least in the princess' eyes; she values his friendship far more highly than coin. But regardless, dormi diem: sleep the day.

Curled up in a tiny ball of fabric and hair, Jasmine sleeps the deep sleep of the chronically exhausted, her coma-like slumber occasionally marked with the shifts and struggles of very bad dreams.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr comes back from a supply gathering trip, walking into the small safe house that the clan managed to have here...really it was slightly above a glorified shack. But it was enough for Jasmine to get sleep, and the rest of them to get some rest. He places the bag on the ground and walks towards the others. Which is like five whole steps. He left Avira to guard, and so now he is heartless QUITE yet, but that's just a matter of time, he thinks.

He also looks very slightly nicked across the face. "Hey."
Avira Avira can officially cross 'escape dramatically on chocobo-back' off her list of things she wants to do before she dies.

After Angantyr had split off to go pick up supplies, Avira had been quite insistent that Jasmine actually get herself some sleep. Yes, she assured her, she would be ready for any Heartless that came and would gladly stand guard. She was quite confident that she could hold out at least until Angantyr came back!

She'd been leaning against the outside of the shack, her ears and eyes open for anyone that would dare approach. Angantyr was spotted far away so his arrival isn't that much of a surprise. She still seems focused, until he's fully hear, on listening. Looking.

"She's been squirming a lot." Avira says, concerned. Jasmine's disturbed sleep had prompted her to check on the princess several times, worried at the noises but relieved to see that there was no real danger there.

Her head tilts as she regards Angantyr, "Get into a fight, did we?"
Angantyr Vespar "Yeah. Kaydin happened. He was messing with Maira. I informed him of the error of his ways...he questioned my honor."

Angantyr shrugs. "Then I reminded him of the error of his ways...repeatedly. We had a heated argument, in which I throughly trashed his arguments. He nicked me a few times." He grins wolfishly.

"Maira is also following us...I imagine she'll be around with us eventually...I see no reason why not to bring her. Assuming she can keep her clothes on.'
Avira "Oh, him." Her eyes narrow, clearly incensed at the thought of that dog harassing her best friend. "He didn't attempt to arrest her too, did he?" Avira imagines poor Maira suffering through the same indignity at the hands of that dark elf and shudders. Regardless, a smile forms upon her face in response to Angantyr's own.

"Oh, is she? She's a nice girl...that..well. She has difficulty controlling her magic. It's so strong...I wish I could help her but..well, you know how extensive my magical ability is." It's kind of a wonder she managed to eventually 'get' it though, after enough study and concentration, since she'd reportedly never used it before in her life. "I need to start bringing spares with me when we adventure together."

Avira suddenly lifts her head. "I hear something." Faint whispers, it seemed like, and soft scraping noises. The sounds seemed to come from all around, all at once.

Reaching behind her, Avira yanks the Spine free. "Good thing you got back just now, huh?" Just as she does, black pools of darkness start to spread along the ground around them.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr sighs...

"Yes, and I thought I might get a bit more rest. I am tired, heartless, go away." he says, but they do not. He doesn't quite have that ability. He moves, viciously swinging down at the first group to form. He doesn't wait...he strikes without mercy or hesitation.

"Avira. Run around me, use me as an anchor point." he says, as he moves again. "I'll throw them off guard, when they move to attack you, I'll move to destroy them...and when they move at my back, you can take advantage of them not ready for you." he says, already moving to roll to her defense...

He's putting her back to her, which speaks volumes.

"She's a good girl...I like the chaotic nature of her." he grins. "It'll bring some excitment I think!" And then.. "No he did not, he just tried to blame her, and us, for everything. Moron.."
Avira "So she really does attract them.." Avira murmurs.

The first sign of the emerging Heartless is those telltail antenna poking out of the pools of darkness. Only..they don't seem all that short as they continue to emerge from the shadows, revealing them to be far longer and kinked. Glowing yellow eyes appear next, then claws to drag themselves out of the corridors of darkness. It quickly becomes clear that these kind are not the typical small anti-like Shadows. These look like their larger and lankier cousins.

Where the smaller ones could be dispatched in one blow, these are certainly not as Angantyr is quick to find out the moment he starts attacking. Swinging his sword through one immediately produces a significant slowdown and drag, not unlike trying to take his sword through a Flan or Jelly.

Avira seems to be discovering the same thing and lets out a grunt as she drags the spine back to her. "Got it!" Before she moves, she feels his back against hers, and smiles a little. It's only for the briefest second because one of the Neoshadows is already lunging for her. Even hunched over, these things appear to be taller than Avira.

"Anganatyr!" she warns as she darts out of the way of a swinging, clawed hand. The others quickly move for her, apparently finding her to be an attractive target, which definitely works in favor of his plan.

"Blame /her/? For coming to rescue me? Tch. If anything, the blame belongs to Morrighan and I for meeting on the field of battle! I suppose I left quite an impression on her."
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr turns...suddenly and viciously towards the one humping for Avira.

The mace comes DOWN, aiming to litterally mash it into the ground, the talons on it aiming to shred it apart...but he raises it up, and then back DOWN again, to make sure it stays dead. This gives another one time to slowly form, and leap at Angantyr, but this also leaves it open to being impaled.

"Yeah. I know. He's a tool. He is...seriously a tool." he says, and turns, aiming to launch a stream of darkness towards another one, aiming to throw it back away form the door it was heading too. Only a brief deflection, he knows, but enough to try and give them more time to work down the trouble makers.

"Good! Keep it up and they won't be a problem...and be careful. THese are not ordinary heartless. Notice the lack of a mark? They are pure heartless."
Jasmine It is occasionally difficult for Jasmine to tell if she is asleep or awake; many of her dreams are tainted by her sensing the Darkness closing in, and as her eyes flutter open to see her nightmares made manifest, now becomes one of those times.

With the fluid silence of a great cat, she stretches before rising -- a mark of her belief in Avira and Angantyr's abilities, that she'd take the time to do so -- it wouldn't do to pull a muscle. Her veil had come undone while she slept, and it remains on the floor, pillowing her still-slumbering companion, a Dalmation puppy who often goes forgotten by the greater picture of the chaos of her life.

Glancing at it fondly, she grabs the weapon nearest at hand, a wooden chair, and brings it down on one of the Heartless who are, for once in her life, paying attention to someone else.

That ends /immediately/, of course, but it was nice while it lasted. The individual Heartless in question is much too strong to be smote by a chair, which splinters on impact, but a graceful spinning kick rather reminiscent of an acrobatic swordsman's style, followed by a whirling backfist straight out of SeeD's playbook, leaves one less enemy to contend with. Alas, there are always more. Always.

"Good--" she glances out the window, "--evening, Lady Avira, Sir Knight," the princess softly greets her defenders, sounding unruffled, even serene, much the better for a few hours' sleep. "Thank you for letting me rest." Her smile is as bright as the Heartless are dark, filled with warm gratitude to counter their inherent despair.

Her incisively perceptive eyes notice the wounds on Angantyr's face that were obviously not inflicted by these particular opponents. They widen, containing the obvious question, but she's too polite to ask outright.
Avira Right away, Avira darts around to Angantyr's back, just as he turns. His idea works perfectly-the Neoshadow had been so concentrated on getting at Avira that it's left himself completely open for a devistating smash from Angantyr's mace.

The heavy blow plows the Neoshadow right into the ground and once the mace lifts again, it's already getting back up. The doubletap was a good idea because it quickly becomes obvious that Angantyr is going to need it. In fact, after the second blow, it's still twitching and has not yet dispersed into darkness as Heartless typically do when they're destroyed.

At Angantyr's back, Avira is suddenly busy, plunging the length of the Spine through a Neoshadow with a considerable amount of effort. Unfortunately, this does leave the weapon stuck inside the Heartless for a few moments before Avira manages to put a foot against the Heartless's body and push away. It does cost her as she's struck in the face by the Neoshadow's claws. Once she manages to free her weapon, she swings one of her hands up and unleashes a blast of her ice magic.

Coincidentally, it's at /exactly/ the same time Angantyr fires off his stream of darkness. "I've noticed. They're a lot bigger than the pure ones I've seen befor-whoah!" She ducks, claws scraping through the air where her head was.

Much to her surprise, Jasmine takes this very moment to rouse. Well..maybe it's not that surprising, there are Heartless here, causing a disturbance. "Hello!" she says brightly, swinging the Spine upwards to deflect a descending claw. Her other hand reaches out to grip the Spine from the opposite way and allows her to strike back with a stabbing motion.
Angantyr Vespar More heartless come...or rather, get into the thick of things as Jasmine makes her presence known. Anganatyr smashes the mace down, AGAIN, into the shadows beneath the hammer. THen again.

"Bad heartless." he says. Before he turns, spinning with all of his might, to litterally smash another one straight into the air...before the mace comes down...with BOTH hands, aiming to smash it right into the ground...which cracks under the force of Angantyr's strength. "Geeze...this things might be stronger than Kaydin." he says, with a unkind laugh.

"The wound, Princess, is from aformentioned Dark Tool." he says, with a smirk, "He was acosting Maira when I went for the way they are on the ground just inside. Look through them when you have a chance...incase I missed any." he says, before turning...and throwing the mace RIGHT at Avira, who knows better than be in it's way.

Which is really aimed right behind her, at a Neo Heartless aiming to try and get behind her. "God I hate these things..."
Jasmine Jasmine seems oddly solemn as the Heartless fall to Avira and Angantyr's mighty blows, the two warriors scything through them like harvesting wheat; her eyes linger on the sparks of light that are released, just before fading away.

Sometimes she's very easy to read; she's undoubtedly thinking about the people they used to be, before they were turned into monsters with no choice but to come after her, and thus be slain.

But despite those grave thoughts, the bulk of her attention is on her allies, and her concern for the living over the lost. She produces a pair of potions from a bandoleer strapped across her chest, under the robe, and tosses one to each of them: to Avira just after she follows through with the Spine and again has a hand free, and to Angantyr once he's chucked the mace. Her timing and accuracy are excellent.

"Kaydin," she remarks, "Has a habit of blaming the victim. I caught him infiltrating Garden right before Baron's attack, attempting sabotage, and he had the gall to blame SeeD for 'putting noncombatants in the line of fire' -- by which he meant the refugees they'd been taking in from across the worlds, who would have surely been slain by Heartless by then, else."

Spinning in place, she narrowly avoids another claw, falling back to lure it into the killzone that is 'sufficiently close to the arc of the Spine'.

"Other than that, are you both all right?"
Avira Finally, the savaged Heartless disappates beneath the repeated blows from Angantyr's mace, giving him a good idea of the amount of effort it's going to take for these types. It's easily reflected in his next set of strikes, which leaves a small crater in its wake-and another dissolving Heartless.

"I'd agree, Angantyr, but..." Avira trails off uncomfortably, apparently still sore that Kaydin managed to take her down. And that was even WITH Valencia's help!

As if spurred by the memory, her next attack comes out even more fierce than usual as the Spine is ripped upwards, dragged through the Neoshadow's not-flesh, through its shoulders, and through it's head. Dark mist streams from the jagged wound for a second before the creature dissolves. Her free hand catches the tossed potion and she pulls out the cork with her teeth.

Given she's been around Angantyr, she does know better, though, and immediately ducks, allowing it to smash into the Heartless that was trying to attack from behind. She moves swiftly afterwards, circling around Angantyr to his back again. With one hand, she's able to flip her grip on the Spine, twirling it over her fingers. The other hand is pretty occupied by the potion and Avira knocking it back on the fly.

"Did he seriously say that? Incredible." Avira clucks her tongue, her brown eyes watching as Jasmine darts by her and in an instant, Avira reacts with another upward, cleaving strike of the Spine, knocking back the Neoshadow that had taken after chasing Jasmine. She's quick to follow up, throwing her whole body weight against it, sending it to the floor.

Avira falls on top of it, ready to stab down, except it melts into the ground beneath her, leaving her on her knees. Scowling, she quickly stands. "I am fine, up until now, things have been pretty quiet."
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr moves quickly, jumping near his mace and picking it up once more. The thing was undamaged, and he grabs the potion thrown at him with a hand. He drinks it, Angantyr shrugs... "You'll get stronger." he comments towards Avira, "And you did beat me." he comments. Anything is possible...but maybe it was because her heart was stronger that day. He grins, knowingly. "And yeah, I'd believe it Jasmine. He's an is not SeeD who put those people in danger, but he refuses to see the reality of war. Because of that, he has to justify his actions...he is a weak fool who's fate is to become swallowed by the darkness he weilds." he comments. "The fate is quite horrible, though...killing him is a kindness." he comments. A kindness that Angantyr isn't giving out today.

"Yes, Princess. I am fine. Thank you for your concern. Though I think we need to leave shortly. These heartless...well, they are getting more persistant. I am surprised they...are here..."
Jasmine "I'm glad," Jasmine replies, when the other two announce their well-being, and the two words are neither reflexive nor casual. She is truly relieved that they're all right, it fills her with a quiet joy that is in no way superficial.

Though remorse fills her, as she remembers who /did/ put those people in danger, when Angantyr absolves SeeD. One gets the feeling that she blames neither Baron nor Jafar.

She simply watches, eyes wide with respect, as Angantyr and Avira continue to work in efficient tandem; it feels to her that with their weapons' range, being in the thick of things with fists and feet would only get in their way. Now and again she takes a few steps forward or backwards, repositioning the Heartless as though they're pieces on a chessboard, to be mowed down by the two warriors. She may be a magnetic pole for the Darkness, but she's a very /active/ one, more than willing to turn her curse into a blessing.

Typical, for her to find the silver lining in anything, even a tactical one.

Her battlefield awareness is far from perfect, however, and she trips over the supply packs during one controlled retreat, falling backwards, her arms windmilling wildly as she tries and fails to keep her balance. At least her recovery is quick, the girl surging back upwards in a cartwheel that briefly reveals her pale teal bedlah pants as the brown robe goes flying.

Afterwards, as the Heartless fade away, giving them a breather, she closes her eyes, a meditative expression crossing her face. "We have roughly half an hour until the next wave. After that comes an army, and we mustn't inflict it on Costa Del Sol," she announces with the adamant surety of long experience, eyes flying back open after that moment of extrospection. "We should move, as you've said, and then it's your guys' turn to rest."

She shakes her head, causing her dark canopy of hair to cascade around her, as Angantyr expresses surprise at the Heartless' persistence. He's been protecting her for two and a half days, but she's been living this for far longer. Her tones are resigned, resolved. Quietly comforting. "I've yet to find anywhere they won't appear, but they're obviously the symptoms, not the cause, of the worlds' troubles. Real solutions will come in time, as the truth comes to light and we can become proactive, not merely reactive."
Avira "I /have/ to get stronger." Avira insists as well, having just a little bit better of an idea regarding threat levels these days. "Well, that, I..." she's actually distracted for a few seconds. Flustered even!

Not flustered enough to remove her focus, though. She sees that dark spot moving on the floor, sliding over to where Jasmine is, and Avira follows it, ending with a downward stab before the creature can lift its head through the darkness. The dark pool shrinks shortly afterwards and finally, they are given some rest.

"We need to leave already?" Avira sounds slightly incredulous. The look only deepens when Jasmine describes the typical Heartless attack timeframe. "An /army/? Really? Madness."

She puts the Spine away and looks to Jasmine, concerned, easily able to see her guilt and the resultant conviction. This woman had to endure this all the time?

"Then let's move. The chocobo should be out back, unless the Heartles scared them off.
Angantyr Vespar "Then if that is true, Jasmine...then we must leave now." he says. "We can get a boat...sadly, that is the only way to where we want to go." he says. "Which might still get us attacks, but we should be better off than the air. Unless you wana try a portal." he comments...and with that, even he's not sure about...

The battle goes to the strong, and the Heartless fall...hopefully waves won't be like this. Rubbing his head, and taking a drink out of a flask, he hands it to Avira. The Chocobos will have to stay here, they can pick more up at the next stop, he thinks, but he turns to grab supplies...

"The distance should give the army pause...maybe even buy time. WHich, I keep repeating, is what we need." he says, exasperated.

"I'll just sum it up for now on as blah blah blah time." and then he grins. "I can secure us passage.."
Jasmine Angantyr and Avira discuss the necessity of strength, and Jasmine seems to agree. "Me too," she murmurs, "But I'm quickly learning that power always has a price. Sometimes I feel like the harder battle is to remain true to myself through everything, than to improve my abilities..." The latter just comes naturally, with every skirmish, every fight, every massive mistake and tiny triumph. It's her ideals that are constantly under assault by the dark events surrounding her... but her spirit remains unbroken. For now, perhaps even forever, given what she is, but only through the help of others.

It is people like these two, who so casually throw themselves in harm's way for her, without expectation of acknowledgment or reward, that give her the strength to keep fighting. Avira slays the final Heartless, Jasmine neatly lifting the hem of her robe out of the path of the Spine, and her thanks are silent but fierce in their appreciation.

"It's because I stopped for a few hours," Jasmine tries to reassure her, but by innocently, earnestly explaining her facts of life she may well be achieving the opposite of the desired effect. "As long as I keep moving, they don't have time to mobilize a major offensive, and if I can get a major lead and stay low on their radar," SeeD technology so often informs her analogies for keeping the Light 'hidden' within, to the extent that's even possible anymore, "Sometimes I don't have to fight anything for an entire day, or more."

When the other woman pauses to study her, she might notice that although the two of them are roughly of a height -- Jasmine's just a hair shorter -- the girl is /very/ young. Poise, determination and her indomitable effervescence often make her seem older (and taller) than she really is, but when she was sleeping, or when one looks closely and stops to think about it, the vulnerability of her youth is as self-evident as the difficult experience that makes her wise beyond her years.

"This is probably a second army, not the one we fled at the Dias Plains," she adds for Angantyr's benefit, to inform his rumination of their options, which she attends respectfully. "While we were in Rabanastre, I heard someone mention Agrabah... I think the merge of the worlds has left them near each other. The desert was very familiar, in some ways." And totally different in others, but. "Let's try to get a boat either only for us, or filled with people that wouldn't be helpless if things go badly. Is that reasonable?"

She's already about halfway out the door. When it comes to being on the run, Jasmine doesn't mess around.
Avira "...yeah, on the ocean's a bit better than the middle of the air." Though Avira's not entirely thrilled by the prospect of possibly abandoning ship in the middle of the ocean due to Heartless. Though Jasmine may have no problem with the portals, judging by Avira's headshaking, Avira does. Offered that drink, she'll take it though, taking a quick sip from the flask before passing it back to Angantyr.

It's funny, though, unless faced with a child, most people were just straight up taller than her. Jasmine was...about eye level. Come to think of it, Jasmine looked a lot younger too. She's half-tempted to ask about her age but, frankly, knows better. Despite Jasmine's age, she obviously had a great head on her shoulders, going so far as to suggest their next move. "Let's look for something small first. If not, well...the most able bodies, then." Casually, she strolls after the determined princess.
Angantyr Vespar "I have an idea." Angantyr says. "Follow me." Costa is mostly a...clean port, but every port has...less than desirable docks. Such a dock, Angantyr will lead Jasmine and Avira too...maybe Maira, if she finally catches up! Who knows!

He takes the flask back as they run and talk. "Yeah, I do remember that happening recently...freekin' heartless man." he says. "Well, not Heartless." he shrugs... "I don't know exactly everything going on, but it's going to cause a headache to try and piece it all together." he says with a mutter...he feels more at home with smashing said problems.

"Once at Spira, maybe we can talk to someone in the church...I think they might know what to do least, you know, with your power...a lead, anything for you to have." he comments.

"Or we'll just be on the lamb for a bit longer and come up with another idea.

"Tis an adventure."
Jasmine Jasmine deliberately ignored the portals option, after seeing both Avira's reaction and Angantyr's reluctance, last time the topic came out. She's /not/ thinking with portals, as long as she's not traveling solo. "I hope so," she softly agrees, as to boats being better than airships, before gladly following Angantyr towards his ideas. The girl seems uncertain about the value of this unknown Church in an unknown land -- she tends to be more suspicious of old, male, mystical information-brokers, having being /so/ ill-used by Agrabah's, than almost anybody else. She trusts Angantyr not to lead her into a trap, though. His word is good enough for her. And the rest of the traps will follow, as they always do.

But she's totally unprepared for what comes next: they arrived in Costa Del Sol in the dead of night, and she went directly inside to rest. Now, dawn is breaking...

...and a girl sees the ocean for the first time.

Her lithe, light-footed jog is arrested, stumbling to a complete halt. Her breath catches in her throat, her brows lift, eyes widening, sparkling. Her smile is dazzling, and filled with awe.

"It's all so wondrous," she breathes reverently.
Avira Portals. Definitely not an option.

Were Angantyr leading them into a trap, he would be catching Avira it in it too. As rough as their training sessions could get, that was just one step too far for them. "I don't like being a sitting duck." she reiterates, happy to brave the dangers of Spira-and the exhastion of travelling all night to get somewhere. Fatigue quickly starts to creep up upon her and once stopped, she doesn't catch Jasmine's excited reaction right away.
"Hm?" Avira looks up, catching the tail end of Jasmine's awe and the reappearance of her best friend. "Oh! Hello Maira, there you are. I heard you and Angantyr met to have a little chat with....well, that man." Reaching out, she ruffles Maira's hair.
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr isn't that kinda guy...anyway, he's being paid by Jasmine. He doesn't do 'oh your contract got paid out'. Because his word as a mercinary is how he GETS Money. Also, that's how Mercs get dead in this field. By crossing the wrong person...and maybe...

Just maybe...there is a sliver of honor left in the man. Besides, he nods towards Maira. "Spira." he says. "First we need a crew of...scurvy dogs." he says, with a grin. Oh no, they needed someone who could fight to get them there.

And with enough money, they might even get them there too...maybe. Or they'd try to cross them, and Ang would throw the captain off the ship in a display of brutality.

Jasmine stops, to look over the sun raising over the ocean...he actually pauses, and lets her enjoy this. Though, he turns away after a bit, the sun stinging his eyes. Shaking his long has it been sense he saw a sunrise on the ocean? It still hurt him, he mused...good. He hasn't grown that disconnected from what he was.

"I do enjoy the ocean, Princess. Though I think I am more of a fan of sunset."
Jasmine Indeed, Jasmine knows well that Angantyr isn't that kind of guy -- and that he shares a clan with Avira, though she still hasn't had the time to discuss exactly what 'clan' means in detail. Her trust in him has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with their long philosophical discussions about darkness and light, honor and mercy, trust and suspicion, revenge and forgiveness. It is not a feeling of the mind, but of the heart.

She gapes at the ocean like a beached fish for a while, then shakes her head, still beaming, and starts moving forward again. "It's incredible. There is so much beauty in the universe," she whispers, as much to Angantyr as to herself.

Then Maira approaches -- she gets her name from Avira's greeting, but recognized her from Baron. The one with the mastery over fire, who was forced to fight her friend. Turning her smile onto the newcomer, she bows her head in friendly hello.

"Thank you for the lovely gift," she says of the T-shirt, before cocking her head to one side, curiously. "Pardon me, but, what's a pirate?"
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr turns towards Faris as he makes himself known. He pauses...the explanation causes him to smirk after a few moments...wait T-Shirt? He looks at it, then back at Mira, then at it again.

"Uh thanks." He might need a rag. Slowly, he looks towards Jasmine and shrugs, "Hello." he finally says towards Faris.

"We'll need a ship to cross the ocean to Spira...time is of the essence, and we can pay our way across...the problem, is that it might be a wild ride for you and your men." he says, point blank. "Which is why we need...someone a bit more hardy than normal men of the sea." he says, looking down at Faris. "Think you can provide me?" pretty boy is unsaid, but ensinuaited.
Jasmine The absolutely unvarnished definition of piracy -- Jasmine's a master bull*QUACK* detector, having fended off princes for years and years and years -- allows Faris to make a great impression on her. The flattery doesn't hurt, either, as smoothly delivered as it is; she takes two steps forward to put a little distance between herself and the speaker, then turns to regard 'him' with her smile unabated in its warmth.

"I have no love for violence, especially between those who still have their hearts," as opposed to the Heartless, presumably, "But such a ship would certainly fit my specifications of 'crewed by those who can defend themselves,'" she explains with the same forthright honesty, in return.

Literally wearing the pants in the Disney Princess family (though they're currently concealed by a brown burlap robe, very poor fare), there are no curtsies here; the princess bows to the newcomer gracefully, instead. When Angantyr starts doing the talking, she lets him; she's not ashamed of her unworldliness, but is glad to rely on his experience.
Avira Avira cringes visibly at a 'great price.' "Mairaaaa...let me teach you about haggling someday, alright?" She's quickly talking already about other things, noticing the reaction to bringing up Kaydin. Avira knew that upset look alright. "Hey, it's alright, we'll just not go overboard, alright?"

That does not reassure Avira too much actually.

How convenient that when a conversation turns towards pirates, one should appear! Not that Avira is familiar with Faris at all. Still, seeing him slipping up behind Jasmine is enough to set her slightly on edge. Angantyr takes the lead on speaking towards him, bringing up something quite important. Maybe this one would be the one to give them safe passage.

Then Avira sees Maira rest her head against Tyr. A slow frown covers her face as she feels something...jealousy, no. It vanishes when she sees the mage tilting and Avira quickly slips forward to catch her.
Angantyr Vespar "Hours." Angantyr says to her. "If you do not have a ship within hours, an army of darkness is going to fall on this city. If we can get out of here...then we'll out pace them." He says to her.

"Can you get us a ship in that short of time?"
Jasmine It's always good to be a princess.

Jasmine bows her head mournfully, when Faris' shares news of his world, her eyes filled not with throwaway pity, but true empathy, shared suffering. "I am sorrowed to hear it. But nothing can ever fall so far that it cannot be restored, as long as people work to do the right thing." She's totally solemn as she says this; there's a ring of genuine belief in her voice, her stance, but also a gleam of intellect -- this isn't just blind faith. She /knows/ it to be true, for some reason. "I will not rest until the wounds in our worlds are healed." It isn't a thing said lightly, and on her lips it isn't ridiculous at all.

She nods affirmatively at Angantyr's timeframe, and adds, in an undertone, so as not to cause undue panic among the passerby, "The Heartless pursue me, and I must depart, before others get caught in the crossfire."
Angantyr Vespar Angantyr nods...

One must do what they can to survive. "Alright." he says, and then turns to Jasmine...really though, if she refuses...

Might as well get ready for a seige.
Jasmine Jasmine leans forward, practically on tiptoe, in order to study Faris' face earnestly. There's something piercing in her gaze, as though she looks past the flesh to the spirit, to see what lies within, not without.

She smiles softly at what she sees.

"I trust you. Please, help us."

This scene contained 31 poses. The players who were present were: Jasmine, Avira, Angantyr Vespar