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(2012-11-26 - 2012-11-26)
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Will Sherman Some time has happened sense...

Will didn't wake up right away. Riku might have a better time of it...but something seriously caused something powerful to happen. The only reason he could get back up and managed to punch her into the portal...perhaps it was the connections to Manhattan, or to his friends...whatever it was, it was that same desire to protect everyone.

A dream is what Will has. Well, he has many dreams, Most of them end with him being tied to something...

SOmetimes, it is to have his eyes burned out of his body by looking at something horrible. Othertimes it is being plucked out of his head by the same terrible darkness. In one instance, acid is dripped on his eyes slowly..

The final dream, however, he wakes up...slowly he stands up, in a bed made for two people. The other side is empty, slowly he gets to the edge, placing on a pair of pants. Slowly, catiously, he walks out of the room...he knows this place. The room wasn't of an era people would be familar with. Easily a hundred years ago, he thinks, as he enters into the smaller living room area. He can smell something cooking...entering the room it is a familar figure standing over the table, placing something down. The years had not been kind to her, easily older than he by a number of him she was no less beautiful.

Time advances, and over a grave he stands, looking down at the freshly turned soil, and the toobstone. Will can not help but to sob, and it would be the last time he did so over her. She wouldn't ever want him to be sad over That day he woke up was her last day. She knew it, she didn't say anything, she prepared for it for years. She only wanted to give Will one last day. One last day together so that they could enjoy life once more.

Because it would be a long time before they saw each other again.

Will shoots up immediately after. His heart aching, shaking, but not just because of the last dream...he was pale. His body was recovering over what the riggers of his heart put him through the previous night. Will tries to relax, but he can't...he stands, still shaking and walks to leave the small room that he was given and tries to make his way to the kitchen.
Riku No dreams come to Riku in the night. He has been comatose since last evening, his breathing and pulse steady but faint. He's laid where he was put in the night without stirring or making any indictation that he was close to waking.

The only indictation Will has that he is awake is that he makes a sound as the man passes by on the way to the kitchen. It's loud enough to be heard, just barely, in the quiet of the office after the rains have stopped.

He lays in bed, staring with blank yellow eyes at the ceiling, eyes trembling between squinting from the morning sunlight and being wide and staring. The noise isn't natural. Not a waking noise. It's a small, wounded animal noise full of pain like the sound of a mouse being trodden on by a boot
Will Sherman For a long moment, after he got there, he drinks something. Trying to regain strength...he some turkey, and starts eating a sandwich made out of it. However, there is a noise...he finishes the thing off in a few bites...he is still shaking. He wants to collapse back into a pile of nothing and not care about everything. He places the plate and cut on the counter and staggers his way towards the office and looks in...

Oh god Riku...

"Riku?" he says horsely, his own voice isn't very loud yet. He moves to get closer to the boy... "Are, I guess not.." he says, sighing... "I'm sorry...I wanted to get her away from everyone..." he says, and crumbles near the foot of the bed. Goddamn it...

His eyes look over Riku...maybe the strings will tell him something...?
Riku Gordion Knot anyone?

Riku's strings are almost painfully laid bare, not orderly and under his control and smoothed over like a day or two past. Not even the disorderly bundles of emotion and fear that was him when Will first met the boy.

Everything is laid bare. The darkness all the way down, nearly to his core, burnt as if in a fire. All but the strongest threads are twisted and charred. Some are even broken.

It's hard to know whether Riku's eyes are tracking or not for the squinting and widening of eyes seems mechanical rather than conscious. It's only when he raises his head a bit and begins to sit up that he seems to really see anything.

A faint heat mirage starts to leak off him as he stares at Will, his chest works like a bellows, starting to move faster and faster as he takes in shorter and shorter breaths. His mouth is open very slightly but nothing comes out but a faint hiss, the very beginnings of something that is building up inside him like storm pressure.
Will Sherman Will sees it...he can't shut off the eyes, he can only direct them like normal eyes. Sometimes he sees things he doesn't want to see...other times...

Then Riku starts to stir...thank god, he thinks...

Riku's angry, that's not something he can really blame him, Will knows what's going to come next. Will's too weak to even try and stop it. He doesn't even want to, no...he probably deserves what comes next.

"I'm glad your...not..." he says, after a gulp. It doesn't mean he wants to actually get his butt broken. He just looks down, his body is still shaking. He can't even begin to stop it.
Riku Perhaps we see what makes sense to us, or what we wish to see. Riku's raspy hissing breath starts to come louder and louder as each breath comes farther and farther apart now. The mirage effect of his darkness bleeding off of him intensifies. What he does do, perhaps is not what Will is expecting.

Riku blurs in that prenaturally fast manner of his when he's not hiding, simply there one second and gone the next, the sheets thrown up and tangled as his hands flail backwards in an escape attempt that spills him out of bed and onto the floor. That's what does it.

Him falling out of bed in that tangle of sheets unlocks whatever emotion Riku was keeping inside comes out in a long, continuous yelp that dials up when he hits the floor into a full throated scream and keeps going. Riku screams into the carpeted floor, muffling the sound somewhat as he puts his hands over his head and cowers.

He lays on the floor and cowers away from Will in a scream of absolute soul-wrenching terror.
Will Sherman Will looks at...

No he was expecting an ass kicking not...

Riku is absolutely terrified of him...what...what happened? What did he do..? His hands still shake, but try as he might...the power doesn't work on himself. He stands up off the bed...there aren't any words. He didn't know what he did...but he knows he did it. He just knows it, and his heart aches for it. Closing his eyes, he turns from Riku and just goes to leave.

"I'm sorry...I know it's lame, but...that's all I can say." he says and shuts the door.

He grabs his coat, and hat, and starts walking.

He doesn't even know where to go, he just has to.
Riku The sound dies off as Will starts to leave the office, leaving an eerie silence in the wake of the full throated terror. Just before Will leaves for outside Manhattan, there is a crashing and shattering noise of a room being thrashed in the anger that Will expected but didn't catch the time properly.

This scene contained 8 poses. The players who were present were: Will Sherman, Riku