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(2012-11-14 - Now)
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Minerva Space she'd never thought of it before, the silver haired monk had been too busy to surive to think about space other than enjoying looking at the stars a night. She takes a deep breath as she looks over the rows upon rows of ships made of strange technology that she didn't think was possible. She's got the look of a child n the their birthday getting more than she wanted, also her style of dress is so out of peace here.
Ron Stoppable "This is SO COOL!"

Ron Stoppable, along with the Naked Mole Rat Rufus on his shoulder, is just making his way through the spaceport. He's looking at this ship and smiling at that ship and totally just kind of loving this entire place. He's got the biggest smile. It's almost as if he's living a dream of his own. "I want one of those. And one of those. And two of those. And one of those." He's pretty much just pointing at every ship that he sees on his wandering. Rufus agrees with each and every choice.
Minerva Minervais not quite as bad with being all star stuck at Ron's she's still getting over it being possible to make these things asn she's wandering. Not paying attention as she should which her master would scold her for quite heavily . She might just end up smacking right into him as she wanders. "This place it's so strange." The accent might be placeale for Ron as british of some sort.
Ron Stoppable "Yeah, I wonder which one is used to fly through enemy territory to save a beautiful princess too, buddy." Ron is talking to the Naked Mole Rat on his shoulder and thus not looking where he's going. Instead, he just pretty much walks right into Minerva and ends up falling backwards because that's just the kind of guy he is. He loses balance ever so easily and is hitting the ground with confusion and flailing happening all at once. Rufus leaps upwards as Ron falls, likely aimed to land in a much softer spot.

On Minerva.
Minerva Minerva is able to maintan her balance at the very least that much of her training needs no real throught to go through. She does nealy fall she however recovers qwuickly howeve the mole rat is going to land somewhere interesting on her. She lets out a suprised noise as wlel and looks to see Ron "Ser are you unhurt?" She doesn't notice the rat /yet/
Ron Stoppable Ron is rolling and popping back up to his feet without a second of hesitation! "Me? Oh, yeah! I'm fine! Happens all the time. Really. It's just something I do. Falling is my forte!" Ron raises a finger to the sky and plasters on a huge smile. He doesn't even know that his pants are bunched up around his ankles and his Fearless Ferret boxers are showing to anyone and everyone.

Rufus, on the other, hands is climbing free and peeking his head out. Spotting Ron and his pants malfunction and squeaking with a facepalm.
Minerva Minerva is trying to not laugh at this situation she also seeming a little red as she's looking over Ron for a moment. She coughs once before saying "As do your pants it seems. You may wish to pull them back up." She looks awaway "I am not some street walker."
Ron Stoppable !

Ron blinks and looks down at himself. "Oh maaaaan. Even in space." He sighs and reaches down to yank his pants up and manages to get them in a much better position than they were just a moment ago. "Thanks. So uh-- wait a second." He immediately starts patting his pockets and reaching into the cargo pants pocket on the side. "Rufus? RUFUS! Where are you, buddy?!"

Rufus climbs all the up and out of Minerva's natural catch's mitt and turns to her with a squeak and a salute, before he leaps off and sails across the air towards Ron's open hands. Whew. Awwww. Moment.
Minerva Minerva now only realises where Rufus was and seems to be annoyed but it's just a fuzzy creature and it got out before she noticed. She seems a bit unhappy but Rufus gets to live this time. She folds her arms and gives Ron an icy look. Also if he's paying attention water seems to condensing into ice about her fingers. "So just what were you doing?"
Ron Stoppable "Walking. Admiring. Window Shopping without the window. Y'know, doing the Stoppable Thang!" Ron is talking like he's one of the most well known people in the worlds. But that's just the way Ron Stoppable is. He lets Rufus climb back onto his shoulder and he proceeds to making sure his pants are still up and everything else is in working order, in terms of his attire. "So. Which one's yours?" Unfortunately, Ron Stoppable is not the most detail oriented person at all. Thus, he notices nothing.
Minerva Minerva stares for a moment "Mine i could not afford such a thing and untill today they'd have been at best flights of fancy on my world! Airships were almost a myth let alone ones that could sail the heavens!" She seems annoyed but not hostile Ron's an odd kid really. The ice does start to go away, Rufus might have noticed it though.
Ron Stoppable "Riiiiiiiiiiiight." Ron doesn't understand anything that may have just been said by Minerva. In fact, he just kind of stares at her for a long moment, before realizing that he's staring and shaking himself out of it. "Welp! Don't you worry. One day, you'll get the chance to soar through the skies like I do. Riding the edge. Wind in your hair. Bad guys on your tail. It's a rush like no other." Ron is speaking like a starship pilot by now. "Especially, if you have your pilot skill leveled up." Oh. Video Games. That makes sense.
Minerva Minerva seems just as confused by most of what Ron is saying, as he is by her. The british sounding lady gives him another look for a moment. She just shakes her head. "Thought it be impossible..." She's getting thoughtful for a moment but then the video game terms come up. "Wait what do you mean? pilot skill. How does one make ones skill flat?!"
Ron Stoppable "Uh. I don't know. Depends on what you're playin'." Ron shrugs his shoulders. "I mean, on Space Carrier IV, I've got my Pilot and Ship Repair leveled up to at least 50. I'm one of the best in the galaxy!" Ah yes, Ron is starting to feel like he's living in one of his games again. "Soon. Soon I will return to the Rufus II and the Gorzons will be no more! No more, I tell you! NO MORE!"
Minerva Minerva says "You speak in tongues! Are you even sane or have you gone stark raving mad?!" THe monk now seems to have a look of pitty on her face. Has the loss of his world driven him to utter madness she can't leave him out like this without any help.
Ron Stoppable "Hey! Ron Stoppable does not speak in anything but the most Bon Diggity English of Bon Diggityness! Reco'nize!" Ron moves right into a classic B-Boy pose, with his arms crossed over his chest ever so over-dramatically and then some. "I'n too cool to be mad at any Stark Ravens. Then again, I haven't seen any Stark Ravens to begin with. So I guess it's safe to say that my anger levels would be this low." Pause. "... What's a Stark Raven?"

This scene contained 16 poses. The players who were present were: Minerva, Ron Stoppable