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The Two Snakes
(2013-08-02 - 2013-08-02)
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Nagetta Nagetta's been keeping to herself lately. Shedding season S is kind of painful after all. Still she has to come out and eat sometime. She's looking around the area for somewhere that might serve food. Of course she's running across a lot of private residences on the way. There has to be somewhere to eat here, where did all the people who lived here go?
Synestria Synestria happens to be in traverse town herself. She keeps hidden so she doesn't spook anyone, not that there's anyone to spook anymore, but she does gather some stuff for her own food. It's not long before she's cooking over a fire. A fire inside of a town. That'll work well...
Nagetta Nagetta can smell something cooking. Which means there has to be food close by. She slithers in the direction of the odor before finding Synestria. "Hello, it's been a while." She sounds happy to see the other lamia. She hasn't ran into many other friendly ones in her travels.
Synestria Synestria smiles to Nagetta. "Hey Nagetta. It has been a while, hasn't it? I've been in hiding since Manhattan, as you can imagine. What've you been up to lately? And how come Traverse town is so deserted?"
Nagetta "I see. I haven't been that active lately. I've been shedding, I'm sure you understand how that is." Nagetta figures Synestria would know how that goes better than anyone else. "Hiding from what? The Heartless?" Or was there something else that she didn't know about.
Synestria Synestria smiles a bit. "yeah. I know how it is, Nagetta. Want me to help you out?" She then makes a bit of a face. "Yeah, from the heartless. After they took over Manhattan, I just.......ran. Being able to take over a city like that? Scared the hell out of me, you know?"
Nagetta "That's understandable, I couldn't really do anything about Eblan either." Nagetta frowns a bit as she remembers that. "Yes, please. Where have you been staying?" She's wondering so she can come visit sometime. That and she was kind of lonely.
Synestria Synestria says, "I wander, Nagetta. Anyone who finds out I'm a Lamia tend to not be very forgiving with how others have acted." She then sighs and stirs the large stew pot she has. "Would you like some?""
Nagetta "Yes, but you can hide it at least unlike me." Nagetta points out. "Maybe she should find somewhere we fit in. There has to be a place right?" Safety in numbers, right? "Sure, I'm starving." All that moving about took a lot of energy.
Synestria Synestria smiles a bit more and offers a bowl for Nagetta. "Just let me know when you've had enough and I'll eat the rest." She then ponders a little. "A place where we can fit in? You mean like a continent for us?"
Nagetta "A continent? I don't think we need that much space. There's just of the two of us, unless you met some other lamias that weren't attacking people?" Nagetta's hoping that she might have. She takes the bowl and digs in eagerly. "Well, I'm sure you have to eat more than I do." Synestria's much longer than her. Still the teenager's still growing.
Synestria Synestria smiles a bit. "There's a few intelligent and nice ones, but you have to be careful. Kind of like humans, you know?" She says softly and watches nagetta eat. "It seems there's a lot of different dimensions. I figure one of them has to have a perfect place for Lamia around."
Nagetta "Well, it's seems like there more friendly humans, but I'm guessing there's more of them period. Not everywhere seems to have Lamia." They certainly were a minority. "This is pretty good." Of course the girl would eat almost anything that's edible.
Synestria Synestria nods. "it'd better be. I didn't learn to cook in my hometown for nothing." She then chuckles. "Yeah. We do seem to be in a definite minority, don't we?"
Nagetta Nagetta laughs a bit at that. She certainly feels more relaxed than normal. "Of course they might be hiding as well. If they can change forms like you do." She didn't really have any way to tell if someone was concealing it. "I wonder if there's any others still left in the Cave of Eblan?"
Synestria Synestria says, "I don't know." She then ponders. "How about we head there? After you finish shedding of course. We don't need you distracted. Of course, I really do need to teach you how to shapeshift.""
Nagetta "If we can find it, a lot of places are still missing." Nagetta points out. "Plus, we might need some help, it might be full of Heartless." She's not sure the two of them can handle it alone. "Yes, that would be helpful. I know a bit of magic, but not nearly as much as you. It might be difficult for me to do so."
Synestria Synestria says, "We can find a few friends, I imagine. Though, Is Eblan cave taken over by the HEartless?" She then ponders and looks at Nagetta. "You can do it. It'll be hard at first, but you can do it.""
Nagetta "I don't know, it's been years I've been inside. Not since father rescued me." Nagetta's not sure of the current situation. "I might have some problems fighting though, I'm not used to jumping with legs." She's sure the balanced needed for that is different.
Synestria Synestria says, "I'll train ya, of course. I can only give you a little bit of teaching. The rest would be up to you to figure out, I fear.....""
Nagetta Nagetta nods at that, "That's understandable. You don't have training as a dragoon. Do you prefer having legs or a tail?" She's curious about that now.
Synestria Synestria says, "I prefer having a tail. The legs come in handy, but I wouldn't count on them if I lost my balance." She then spoon some stew into her bowl and eats."
Nagetta "I can imagine they feel kind of cramped too. Like being coiled up in a tight space." Nagetta's guessing what that feels like. "Were there any other lamias were you lived?"
Synestria Synestria shakes head. "No. I lived in the town near Alexandria." She then shrugs. "Mostly humanoid, but no Lamia."
Synestria Synestria shakes head. "No. I lived in Troia for most of life, before I lived in Lindblum. I even learned how to be a dancer in Troia."
Nagetta "I see, I've never been Troia but father's mentioned it before." Nagetta's familiar with the name. "I don't think I've heard of Lindblum though."
Synestria Synestria nods. "Well, I could teach you some of the moves from being a dancer, to help you with your balance. Learning those techniques is how I'm so graceful, even in Lamia form. It may help you."
Nagetta Nagetta nods at that, "That certainly would help. Though being a Dragoon requires a certain amount of grace on its own." She's not completely foreign to the concept.
Synestria Synestria smiles a bit. 'True, but I'm not a dragoon."
Nagetta "You might be able to pull it off though if you trained." Nagetta smiles back at her. "Your tail should give you plenty of bounce."
Synestria Synestria chuckles a bit. "I'm better at magic than I am 'bouncing'." She then chuckles. "More stew?
Nagetta Nagetta laughs again at that, "Well, I'm better at bouncing then magic. So we're even. Sure, that sounds good." She's not one to pass up free food after all.
Synestria Synestria spoons some more stew into nagetta's bowl, then some more for herself. "I can still teach you if you wish. Otherwise, I think I can cover you with magic."
Nagetta "Well, being able to do so would be helpful. I'm not sure if I have magic ability to do so. I'm sure some of it comes naturally right?" That's why she's likely able to use magic at all despite her lack of training.
Synestria Synestria nods. "All right. After you shed though." She says before offering more food. Yeah, not only is her companion hungry, but she is too....and she made enough for herself for a month, but she's not going to refuse a fellow lamia.
Nagetta Nagetta nods at that. She wouldn't have to eat for a while after this thankfully. "How long did it take for you to learn it? "She can't help but be curious about that.
Synestria Synestria says, "A few years. Before then I was stuck out in the open as a Lamia. I had to hide until nightfall before hand." She then chuckles. "Now I hide in plain sight.""
Nagetta Nagetta nods at that, "I know the feeling. Of course I have some difficulty seeing when it's bright out too." She's a cave snake after all.
Nagetta "It's possible, how do you think I would look with goggles?" Nagetta's a bit curious about that now. She thinks it might look a bit strange.
Synestria Synestria says, "I have no idea. You might look better with glasses."
Nagetta "Maybe I should ask Shiki about it. She seems to know a lot about fashion." Nagetta figures that might be a good idea. "Of course my eyes might be different from humans too." She's not sure if something decided for them would work for her.
Synestria Synestria says, "Perhaps, Nagetta. I wouldn't know about fashion sense."
Nagetta Nagetta nods at that, "Well, I have enough difficulty fitting in, so I figure if my clothes do I'll stand out less." At least that would be one thing about her that would stand out.
Synestria Synestria chuckles. "True. I know I don't mind." She then spoons some more stew for Nagetta. "had enough yet? or are you eating your fill?"
Nagetta "I think, I've had enough. Thank you." Nagetta nods at that. She's comfortably full, she doesn't want to eat too much in case she has to jump on something. She cringes a bit as a bit of skin peels off her tail.
Synestria Synestria gestures for Nagetta to come to her. "Come here. I'll tug it off."
Nagetta Nagetta frowns a bit and moves in closer to Synestria with that. "Do you have problems with shifting when you're shedding your skin?"
Synestria Synestria hand waggles as she slowly eats the rest of the stew. "Sort of. Until I shed it all, then I have no problems." She then sets her bowl down, and tries to help pull the skin off.
Nagetta Nagetta holds still as Synestria removes the loose skin. "I see. I can imagine it would be difficult for me to pass as human with black skin hanging off." That sounds rather understandable.
Synestria Synestria chuckles. "Something like that." She does it slowly, just in case some of it is still connected. "All right. Let me finish my food and we'll head for Lindblum." She says before starting on the rest of her food.
Nagetta "Will I'll be welcome there?" Nagetta wonders what kind of reaction she'll get. She can't conceal herself like Synestria can yet after all.
Synestria Synestria says, "In the bakery I was part of, yes you will. It'll be good enough until you learn to change. Once that's done, you'll be fine. You'll also learn to cook."
Nagetta Nagetta nods in agreement with that. "Sounds good to me, though I'm guessing I'll be at it for a while if it took you a few years." She's not expecting this to go quickly.

This scene contained 53 poses. The players who were present were: Nagetta, Synestria