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(2013-05-02 - Now)
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Faruja Senra Faruja is quite thankful for the existance of the Shard Seeker's headquarters. Indeed, it's allowed him to recover from his own injuries in relative peace, and given the pair of Church-affiliates a place to stay where the Ajoran Faith is yet weak; much to Faruja's irritation. Having drank more than a little of the Church's Kool-Aide, the fact that towering spires don't yet cover the world at large bothers the rat.

But at least he's somewhere familiar, though with Reize traveling, the place seems far too quiet. Indeed, the presence of many of the Shard Seeker's would be a boon to spirit and recovery both. He'd always wanted to introduce Arkie to the varied and interesting members of the Shard Seekers. Perhaps she could instill a little faith in them!

Yet, the lobby is rather quiet. Up and moving, thanks in no small part to a certain medic, the rat is sipping a cup of tea as he peruses a local newspaper. It's barely past morning, but the Templar has slept in for once. Quiet thoughts reign as the rat occasionally tendsto his tea.
Arkham Fisher A certain medic is not yet up and about; she doesn't bounce as well as her charge does, it seems. Perhaps unbeknownst to him, she'd already taken refuge in the Seekers' quarters after her wise but undignified retreat from yesterday's engagement. Maybe unbeknownst to the Seekers, too, if they're all out. None of the doors she passed through were locked.

It is, however, whether she likes it or not, time to see if anyone's returned. Wincing, wearing a white shirt, red skirt, and presumably a lot of bandages, she nudges open the door to the Girls' Dorms and peers into the common room.

Rats! Er, a rat. "Ser Senra," she greets, quietly, and gives up on hiding out. She joins him at the central table.
Faruja Senra If the Shard Seeker's have a failing, it's certainly security. Not that they have much to steal!

Looking up, Faruja pauses to gaze at the poor woman. Seeing Sister Fisher in 'normal' clothes is a rarity for the rat. Really, he can't help but think the look suits her. "Lord bless, Sister Fisher." He starts to stand, presumably to pull out a chair but she beats him to the job. Sitting back down, he offers a small smile.

"How fare thee? 'Tis been some time since you have taken such blows." The rat can't help a bit of guilt somewhere in there. But one can only guard against so many foes!

"Hungry, perchance?" A wounded lady needs her fast broken, after all.
Arkham Fisher "Some time, but hardly time, time enough," she allows, gingerly taking her seat. She turns down any offer of food, accepting only a cup of tea, and perhaps some sugar if any is to be had. Her hopes are not high.

"I fear I will survive," Arkham tells Faruja, conveying her state of being quite clearly. She sips her tea, cautiously. "Sorry to have, to have abandoned you, Ser. But you did make it out, after, after all. This isn't how you, you normally do business here, is it?"
Faruja Senra Faruja's eye squints briefly, looking her over, before nodding. Even as much as he himself is a healer, he'll not second guess his field medic. "Merely let me know if 'tis anything you need, or desire."

It wouldn't take long for Faruja to scrounge up some sugar. Having been a resident for some time, the good adventurers of the Seekers have come to know the rat's tastes.

"So you shall. We both have a long service ahead of us, Lord willing. Too much to do, far too few hours."

His tail curls about the leg of a table, head tilting. "Think nothing of it. 'Twould not do to have a medic dead, with none left to sew the foolish Templar back into some semblance of wholeness."

A chuckle escapes the rat's muzzle. "Mean ye last night? All too often, I am afraid. Fluorgis, frankly, I oft think cursed. The Heartless once before hath besieged it, though this time I truly think it the fault of that strange...warrior and the foul Witch."

"However, as for /this/..." He gestures to Headquarters, crossing his legs.

"Bluntly, the Shard Seekers at first was an simple opportunity. However, such brave young men and women have a habit of burrowing into one's heart. Like kin. More second home than 'business' at this point, Sister."
Arkham Fisher You will not call her ungrateful, but Arkham studies the Seekers' converted workshop, set against the broad spectrum of accomodations she has 'enjoyed', and finds... adequate. "Faram sees it must, must be, to keep you so long afield that they'd send, send me." She feels better, perhaps, for getting outside of a warm beverage. Very healthful, is tea.

"And the Seekers are, are, are what, then? An adventurer's guild? Mercenaries? An, an orphanage?" She's yet to meet an actual representative; Faruja doesn't count, and as fascinating as they are, the Network is not actually formally affliated with the group, or so they claimed. Arkham feels a creeping certainty that the Seekers are deep involved with the Heartless business in Fluorgis, and she shudders. Nasty business.
Faruja Senra Faruja seems nothing but comfortable in the humble surroundings. Really, with how the Seekers tend to collect strays, it's often more boarding house than anything else.

Still, the Seekers have a goal, in theory. "Adventuring guild, with the twin goals of preserving Fluorgis as well as seeking out lost shards of worlds in order to restore them...thus, Shard Seekers. However, Ser Seatlan is currently away. He thought the services of the Seekers best used elsewhere, with Fluorgis seemingly calmed." Explains the rat.

"They were instrumental in beating back the Heartless seige upon the city, you know? 'Tis one thing for soldiers and knights to stand so firm. But, mere children? I dare say we could all learn a touch of bravery from them."
Arkham Fisher Arkham favors her charge with a brief and rather uncharacteristic glower, but does not gainsay him. He doesn't know, probably. "Surely, we'd do well with a, a few more like them." That's a thing you say to that, isn't it? Maybe her injuries are bothering her again.

"We certainly could have yesterday, that, that's all I'll say. Is there no guard? What do they do when the, when the Temple Knights /aren't/ here to trip over Shadowlords?"
Faruja Senra The rat's brow rises slightly, confusion flicking over his features. "'Tis something out of sorts, Sister?" Questions the rat at the glower. Certainly not Arkie-like, that!

A small sigh escapes the rat. "A question, my dear, well worth asking. Fluorgis possesses a sizable army, however, I question their training at times. Every time the Heartless strike, it seems 'tis adventurers, knights, and the populace that end up being the bulwark against the Darkness, rather than the standing militia." A frown creases his muzzle, and he shakes his head.

"Mayhap this city is in need of a more permanent bastion of the Lord's servants."
Arkham Fisher Every good child of Faram knows that of course this city needs a permanent bastion. "They seem pleased enough with, with you so far," she resumes, more pleasantly. "But I don't know how easily you, you could talk the Lords into a Templar detachment. Know at least that the Church stands behind you." Obviously, or they wouldn't have sent Arkham along.

"Fluorgis is familiar; I'll be happy to, to stay here," she says, perhaps seeming unprompted. "Until your duty calls you elsewhere. But, forgive me, I'm, 'm not taking the field for at least a week. I'm sorry."

This scene contained 10 poses. The players who were present were: Faruja Senra, Arkham Fisher